Unless you currently have millions stuffed inside your mattress, chances are you could rely on – or could eventually rely on – interest income, dividend income, pension income or some other form of regular payments.
Income investing is essential to a sustainable retirement.
Instead of betting on risky plays, and paying outrageous fees to brokers and fund managers, the real movers and shakers hold onto income-paying investments for months and years at a time. Warren Buffett, for example, has held Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) since 1988, and expects more than $376 million annually on its dividends.
It isn’t enough these days to have an expert at your disposal that can show you how to generate only one type of income. If you are serious about creating a sustainable retirement, it is crucial to have an expert provide you with premier analysis on many sources of income.
That’s precisely where Income on Demand Strategy comes.
Since April 2011, editors of Income on Demand have been walking readers step by step through the secret strategies the pros use to generate income.
In short, Income on Demand stops at nothing to find you the safest, highest-paying income opportunities available on the market.
Also, instead of just recommending you play a few dividend-generating investments and leaving it at that, Income on Demand will show you how to get the most out of income investment opportunities.
For instance, did you know that you could take a simple dividend-paying stock and quadruple its income stream without adding risk or dangerous leverage?
Income on Demand will show you that and much more. It will provide you with the tools and the confidence to get paid what you deserve when you deserve it.
What’s it Income on Demand?
Buying high-yield stocks is a great way to boost your stock income. But there’s a simple way to earn even more money for your portfolio… practically anytime you want.
This wealth-boosting secret is so powerful, you can use it to collect money on stocks that don’t pay dividends. In fact, you can use it to earn income on stocks you don’t even own!
If you’re thinking it might have something to do with stock options, you’re half right. You see, this is flipping options trading on its head.
Instead of paying money to buy options, you’ll make money by selling them!
It may sound risky and difficult, but it’s not.
The fact is, anyone can do this — anytime. You don’t need any licenses or degrees. You don’t even need to know a lot about stock options. And with some simple precautions, your risk is always known and always under control.
Professional investors have been using this secret to quietly pad their stock accounts for decades.
But Income On Demand takes it one step further — helping you turn this secret into perpetual payouts.
Editor Zach Scheidt targets only a handful of carefully selected companies. He picks a price, and you get paid to wait for the stock to hit that price. Then he chooses a sell price for the stock, and you collect money waiting for the stock to hit that price. (Meanwhile, you collect any dividends the stock pays along the way.) Once the stock hits Zach’s sell price, the profit cycle starts all over again.
Best of all, it happens almost completely automatically. You’re never tied to your computer, watching every up and down.
You place the trade, collect your money, then wait for the next trade recommendation.
Who the heck is Zach Scheidt?
Zach Scheidt is the editor of a library of investment advisories dedicated to finding Wall Street’s best yields. He brings to the table impeccable investment management experience and a solid record of identifying oversized payout opportunities.
In Zach’s flagship service, Lifetime Income Report he has given readers over ten positions with 80-145% gains — as well as yields of up to 8.7% on KKR Group. And most recently he holds a stunning 96.5% success rate in his options advisory, Income on Demand.
Zach is also the editor of Contract Income Alert, Family Wealth Circle, Zach’s Weekly Squawk Box, and co-founder of The Dollar Trade Club with Alan Knuckman.
Zach’s work has also appeared in Seeking Alpha, Motley Fool, and The Wall Street Journal.
He had started his career as a cost accountant for SunTrust Bank before he left for a more exciting career as an analyst for an Atlanta-based investment advisory. The company catered to wealthy clients with a minimum account balance of $1 million. It also ran two hedge funds with combined assets above $100 million. Zach was personally responsible for $20 million of the firm’s money, as well as $20 million in individual client accounts.
Zach graduated with honors from Lee University, a small private university in Cleveland, Tennessee. Upon entering the investment business, Zachary simultaneously worked full-time as an analyst and portfolio manager and earned his MBA from Georgia State University.
When he is not scouring Wall Street for ultra-high dividends, Zach enjoys running, playing poker and spending time with his wife and seven children.
What you gonna get for your money with Zach’s Income on Demand Strategy?
Here’s Everything You Get When You Join Today…
INSTANT ACCESS to Your “$2,000 per Month Starter Kit” which includes:
Special Report #1: How to Double Your Income During Special Trading Windows
Special Report #2: How to Choose the Right Brokerage Account For You
Special Report #3: The Secret Transaction That Generates $2,000 (or More) in INSTANT INCOME Month after Month
- BONUS REPORT : Instant Reimbursement Income – This report includes five instant income plays you use immediately to collect as much as $2,000 worth of income to get you started.
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Remember, you will receive the reports within minutes — along with access to the multi-part video training series “$2,000 per Month Starter Kit” — so you can get up to speed as fast as possible even if you have no experience.