Ian King’s Crypto’s Third Wave Event – Is It Legit?

Crypto’s Third Wave Special Event is where Ian King will be revealing, for the first time, the facts behind Crypto’s Third Wave – a potential $9 TRILLION market in the making…And he’ll show you the specific steps you can take now to potentially make 12 times your money over the next 12 months.


His Crypto Picks Humiliate Stock Gains
(And You Can Get His New Pick Free!)


If you believe a 10-bagger – the rare investment that delivers 1,000% returns – is impressive, then check this out….


That is an actual gain from just one of Teeka Tiwari’s best crypto picks.

And you can get his next crypto pick for FREE!

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

But a $100 investment into just this one pick would be worth over $151,000 today.

Click here for Teeka’s next top free crypto pick… no strings attached…

Ian King’s Crypto’s Third Wave – What Is All About?

On October 12, Ian King will reveal the details behind crypto’s third wave – a potential $9 trillion tsunami in the making … set to launch certain cryptos to astronomical new highs — and minting an entirely new generation of crypto millionaires.

And as he will show you here … crypto’s third wave is happening right now … and it could hand you 12 times your money … in just the next 12 months.

12X Your Money in 12 Months – Ian King Reveals Newest Details

Ian King will be sharing details on how this third wave of cryptocurrencies could hand you 12 times your money … in just the next 12 months.

You need to understand…

The last time Ian King made a promise like that – his crypto picks WAY overdelivered.

One shot up over 1,900% in just four months (that’s 20 times your money — on just the first half of a position)…

And another shot up over 3,900% in three months (that’s 40 times your money — also on the first half of a position)…

Get this… the other half of that position… is up over 9,000% so far over the last nine months.

And that was just the beginning.

  • There was the 633% gain in 28 months on Decred … that’s over seven times your money…
  • 1,061% gain on Binance in just over nine months … that’s over 10 times your money…
  • 335% gain on Tezos in 21 months … that’s four times your money…
  • 272% gain in seven months … again on just half the position … but the other half is up over 885% in about 18 months.


Mark Cuban Drops Huge Bombshell


Mark Cuban just did something insane.

The TV “Shark Tank” Billionaire doubled his investment in an odd technology.

One he believes “will dwarf Bitcoin.”

You can hear the story, and much more, in this video.

Click Here to Watch.

And today Ian King believes that we’re in front of huge profit potential:

I’ve never seen anything like what’s happening right now in the cryptocurrency market.

This new profit potential is truly mind-boggling.

I’m talking about the chance to get in on a potential $9 trillion market — just as it’s taking off.

This is the most exciting development in cryptocurrencies since the launch of bitcoin 11 years ago. It’s an entirely new kind of crypto … one that’s set to change every aspect of our lives…

Sending a unique subset of coins to astronomical new highs … minting an entirely new generation of millionaires along the way.

Ian will give you all the details on this exciting new kind of cryptoat the special event called:

Crypto’s Third Wave.


Billion-Dollar Crypto Fund Dumps Bitcoin for $2 “3rd-Gen” Crypto


Here’s Why It Solves Crypto’s Biggest Problems.

Who Is Ian King?

Ian King is a former hedge fund manager with over two decades of experience trading and analyzing the financial markets.

His market insights have been featured on Fox Business News, Investopedia, Zero Hedge and Seeking Alpha.

At 21, King started in the mortgage bond trading department at Salomon Brothers. He then spent time honing his skills in trading at Citigroup before spending a decade at New York-based hedge fund Peahi Capital.

While there, his team made a 339% total return in 2008 alone. He is also known as one of Investopedia’s top resourceful contributors.

In 2017, he came to Banyan Hill Publishing to help their readers get ahead of the markets. He currently has three services: Automatic FortunesNew Era Fortunes, Strategic Fortunes and Next Wave Crypto Fortunes.

When Is Ian King’s Crypto’s Third Wave?

Ian King’s Crypto’s Third Wave special event has been scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at 1 pm ET.


One Altcoin With Potential That Dogecoin Can Only Dream Of

Bitcoin is the big dog, but crypto expert Charlie Shrem says a little-known altcoin is the better play right now.

Get the full story for FREE here.

How To Sigh Up For Ian King’s Crypto’s Third Wave?

To get access to Ian King’s Crypto’s Third Wave special event, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here.

Ian King’s Crypto’s Third Wave Special Event

Closing Remarks On Ian King’s Crypto’s Third Wave Event

Crypto’s Third Wave is happening now – and it’s just getting started.

Ian King’s research proves this could be bigger, more profitable, and last much longer than anything we’ve ever seen before…

Because this newest wave of cryptocurrencies is totally disrupting a $90 trillion industry. If this Third Wave can grab just 1/10 of this market — as Ian King thinks it will — this one small niche within the crypto market could become a $9 trillion mega boom.

That’s roughly six times LARGER than the entire market cap of all the cryptocurrencies currently in existence.

And Ian King wants to show you exactly how to play it … to potentially multiply your money 12 times over the next 12 months.

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