Ian King AI Energy Review – Is It Legit?

Ian King has investigated a company that is at the center of everything that is happening with Artificial Intelligence with an 11,000-strong patent pipeline. He believes that this patent pipeline is directly responsible for the breakthrough in AI energy. Read further to discover a way for you to directly buy into this patent pipeline. It’s a simple $5 investment.

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What Is AI Energy?

AI energy is a new form of energy, thanks to artificial intelligence. This is what happens when two atoms are forced to collide and merge into one by a supercomputer driven by artificial intelligence. In scientific circles, this chain reaction is referred to as nuclear fusion.

Ian explained the reaction by using a bottle of water.

When you fuse two atoms together — it creates a plasma. That’s what AI energy is.

Ian King AI Energy

Let’s imagine this one-liter water bottle could hold that plasma. That tiny bit of AI energy might produce as much power as twenty-nine thousand barrels of oil. This implies that the strength of AI energy is actually 4 million times more powerful than that of oil.

This isn’t an ordinary development. It’s an extraordinary breakthrough. Over at the World Economic Forum, an energy adviser said it’s the most exciting human discovery since fire.

As per Ian’s analysis it could create historic amount of new wealth. Can we trust him? Below is some more information about him and his work.


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Who Is Ian King?

Ian King was on Wall Street for over two decades, and he became one of Wall Street’s most successful hedge fund managers.

When electric vehicles were still in their infancy, perhaps 15 years ago, he was investing in them early on, particularly in Tesla.

He invested in Bitcoin and Ethereum early on when cryptocurrencies just gained popularity.

Because of his successful and accurate forecasts, executives at well-known Wall Street companies including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch have paid for his advice. Ian’s research and analysis is helping people in over 119 countries.

Ian believes we’re still in the early innings of the AI story. We all know disruptive technologies create massive gains. AI energy is a new technology that could be 4 million times more powerful than oil.

What Does AI Energy Mean For You?

The demand for energy is constantly growing. The question is HOW are we going to quench the world’s never-ending thirst for more energy?

On the other side we got AI energy that is 4 million times more powerful than oil and 100% safe.

The media described this discovery as a breakthrough — a path to a new form of limitless energy.

Ian King AI Energy

Unlimited, clean and cheap energy.

AI energy is going to change the energy markets forever, and there’s also a huge investment angle to this, as there is with any new technology breakthrough.

Ian was talking about a firm that has invented a device called Extreme Performance Yield Computing that ensures supercomputers … are truly super. Ian calls them in short AI boosters.

This AI booster microtechnology takes the already immense computing power of existing supercomputers — and it boosts their performance exponentially. It will allow that supercomputer to reach 2 quintillion calculations per second.

And they will be able to run around the clock.

It’s an absolutely historic feat — that will change mankind.

When a new technology emerges, you want to be an early investor and get in on the ground floor.

And Ian has pinpointed a unique way for everyday investors — like you — to get in on the ground floor and potentially experience a life-changing windfall from every phase of this AI energy boom. His expectations are by 2028, the value of those booster patents will have already surged 10X or more.

How Can You Invest In AI Energy?

Ian published his most recent report called AI Energy: The $40 Trillion Disruptor Bringing Star Power to Earth, which summarizes his research.

Inside is everything you need to know about these AI boosters, how they exponentially boost supercomputer speeds, and how they’re going to revolutionize every major industry around the world.

Inside are details how you can become an owner of a piece of these patents.

Ian has also recorded a special interactive video presentation with everything you need to know about AI … including how it will benefit you, me and everyone. It’s called: AI 360. It’s a complete 360-degree analysis of the industry and the opportunities inside it.

Ian has developed a strong initiative, and two essential parts of it are the AI energy report and the AI 360 presentation.

Ian King AI Energy report

It’s called Strategic Fortunes.

What Is Strategic Fortunes Venture?

Strategic Fortunes involves real-time, Wall Street institutional-level research. Delivering that to Main Street investors in simple way.

Ian hosts weekly livestream events and publishes investment briefings so people can capitalize on these Big Tech trends.

Typically, a session lasts thirty minutes. Ian outlines his most recent investing goals. He shares his research, estimates, and the risk-to-reward profile of each opportunity.

He also reviews the performance of the stocks in their model portfolio.

Each session is archived. So, members can review and rewatch however many times they need.

Strategic Fortunes’ next target is the Big Data. The Big Data has been called “the most valuable resource on the planet.”

However, data centers have mainly gone unnoticed by investors. Particularly when it comes to AI. Ian believes in the upcoming years; AI will make some data centers astronomically profitable.

The Big Data Profit Play

The data centers are essential to almost every large corporation, including Microsoft, Amazon, Google, etc. These are enormous structures. Each of them has an average of 100,000 servers that are always in use.

However, there is an issue with these servers operating constantly. They produce a great deal of heat. So much heat that older air-cooling systems can’t keep up with new, high-powered equipment.

That’s where this innovative firm comes into play. It invented a “liquid cooling” system that uses water, not air.

Ian included everything in a report called The Big Data Profit Play of a Lifetime.

The Big Data Profit Play

According to Ian’s analysis, this investment has the potential to double by the end of the next year.

The invention of this company produces a cooling force that is 3,500 times stronger than the planet’s strongest fans.

But this opportunity is not the only one. Here is more from Strategic Fortunes.

AI Hardware & Software

Ian researched a cutting-edge company that has created robots, hardware and software driven by AI to automate warehouses. Right now, its robotics systems are currently used in over 1,400 facilities, including 25 Walmart distribution centers. Its clients are Target, Albertsons and Walmart.

You will find all necessary information in a report called “AI Hardware & Software Riches.”

AI Hardware & Software Riches

This stock could easily rise 300% in the next two years. So, this is a chance for everyday folks to invest as the big money piles in.

These three reports are released to members of Strategic Fortunes initiative. Read further for details of what else is included with the membership.

What Is Included with Strategic Fortunes Membership?

Here is a list of what you will get when you become a member of Strategic Fortunes:

  • Model Portfolio – All stocks on Strategic “buy now” list are included in this portfolio. The portfolio will advise you on what to purchase, when to purchase it, and, of course, how much to pay.
  • Weekly Updates – Every Tuesday, Ian will send you an email with any updates on the model portfolio, as well as his thoughts on market events and answers to your questions.
  • Trade Alerts – When their team finds a good opportunity for you to make money, you will get an alert via email. They also include instructions when to buy or sell, and for how much.
  • Strategic Fortunes Newsletter: Once a month, you’ll get full report with all the details about specific tipping-point trend tied to investment recommendation.
  • Market Insights: This is a bonus video where Ian King and Amber Lancaster gather once a week to talk about their overall market outlook. They usually discuss mega trends they’re following, new investment opportunities, questions from you, special investing tips, and much more.
  • Banyan Edge: Free daily newsletter.
  • Access to Our Banyan Hill App: The smartphone app is very useful. Every trade alert just pops up on your phone. And if you want, you can make a trade with a few taps. You can use the app to watch the livestreams. You can do everything through it.

How Much Is Strategic Fortunes Membership?

There are few subscription levels you can choose from:

  • 1-year access for only $47
  • 5-years access for $199
  • Lifetime access is their best deal for only $299.

All subscriptions to Strategic Fortunes are covered by one-year, 100% satisfaction guarantee. Simply let them know during the first year if you’re not happy with your membership, and they’ll promptly and fully refund you.

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