How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor with Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green

How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor is an upcoming event hosted by Bill O’Reilly. During the online broadcast, Bill O’Reilly’s featured guest – Alexander Green – will expose the tricks and myths of Wall Street, including one secret he has used to help crush the S&P for 20 years. Anyone can attend the broadcast for FREE.

How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor with Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green – Claim Your FREE Spot Here

How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor Event – What Is It?

Legendary journalist Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green are getting together to reveal the biggest trick Wall Street uses to screw over investors on June 3 at 1 pm ET.

They’ll reveal a trick Wall Street uses to get better prices on stocks… to cash in on bigger profits… and in shorter periods than you and everyone else.

However… and this is the reason the event is so important

Alex is going to reveal how you can turn the tables and legally rig the stock market in your favor.

What does that mean exactly… to legally rig it in your favor? Well, imagine being able to predict which stocks were about to jump dramatically before it happened.

Imagine buying stocks just before Wall Street analysts suddenly upgraded their ratings…

Or buying stocks before they were suddenly splashed across headlines across the country…

It’s all possible. Even simple, if you know what you’re doing.

Which is why you must be at the big event coming up: How to Legally Rig the Stock Market in Your Favor.

Thanks to one secret Alex is going to reveal directly to Bill O’Reilly during the broadcast… you’ll discover exactly how to achieve it.

You’ll also see how Alex has used a particular strategy to beat the market by 150% not for one year… or five years… or even 10. But for over 20 years.

The Momentum Alert portfolio vs The S&P 500

Some of the individual wins over the past year alone from this strategy have included top leveraged gains of…

  • 251% on Axcelis Technologies in 30 days
  • 194% on Generac Holdings in 94 days
  • 285% on Digital Turbine in 82 days
  • 207% on Datadog in 28 days
  • 253% on Evoqua Water Technologies in 71 days

His strategy is that powerful for everyday folks.

What Will You Learn During the How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor Event?

During the big June 3 event, you’ll hear from regular people who’ve made tens of thousands of dollars on trades recommended by Alex!

Alex will also detail three MUST-BUY stocks that Wall Street does NOT want you to know about right now.

You are not going to want to miss this!

Just make sure you’re registered. It’s FREE to sign up!

How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor with Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green – Claim Your FREE Spot Here

Alexander Green’s Six Factors Plaguing Investors

According to an April 2020 Gallup poll, only 55% of American households own stocks, either directly or through a fund. That is far less than the 65% who owned stocks in April 2007, before the Great Recession.

Given that a diversified portfolio of stocks has beaten the return on bonds, cash, real estate and precious metals not just for years or decades but for more than two centuries, why is this?

According to a recent poll, approximately two-thirds of Americans believe the stock market “is rigged against individual investors.”

That’s part of the reason that so few Americans own equities.

But here’s the most surprising part…

56% of those who are investors also believe the market is rigged against them.

How can that be when the United States has the widest, deepest and most transparent financial markets in the world?

The real problem is that millions of men and women lack the knowledge and tools needed to create a legacy of wealth.

According to research firm Dalbar, the average equity investor vastly underperforms the S&P 500, not only from one year to the next but decade after decade.

Similarly, the average fixed-income investor does far worse than the primary bond index, the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.

Why is this? Alexander Green narrowed it down to six factors.

  1. Lack of knowledge. It’s a shame that financial literacy is not taught in most high schools today. As a result, students regularly graduate without understanding basic investment terms – like asset allocation and diversification – and without understanding how to turn low-yielding savings into a high-returning portfolio.
  2. Poor delegation. Many folks realize they are ill-equipped to invest successfully – and so they turn everything over to that nice young man at Merrill Lynch. Big mistake. If you don’t have a fiduciary relationship with your advisor, you are almost certainly dealing with a salesperson whose primary job is to convert a substantial percentage of your assets into the firm’s assets.
  3. Performance chasing. Many investors are prone to putting their money into whatever is hot. This can work out for a while, as GameStop (NYSE: GME) traders learned earlier this year. But without a disciplined sell strategy, buying whatever is rocketing higher can have devastating consequences, as GameStop traders also learned earlier this year.
  4. Market timing. Everyone would like to be in the stock market for the rallies and out during the downturns. But doing it consistently is not possible. (You can take my word for it or learn the hard way.) Anyone can make a good call now and then. But market timing leaves you vulnerable to being out of the market for the upturns and in during the downturns. And that decimates performance.
  5. Panic-selling. When the market does suffer a dramatic correction or bear market – as it will periodically and without warning – it’s tempting to move onto the sidelines until things look better. The problem is that stocks move up well in advance of the outlook improving – as last year’s market action made clear – and that leaves you standing at the station while the train races off.
  6. High fees. The goal is for you to get rich, not your broker, advisor or fund manager. Investment pros will counter that you get what you pay for. But in the world of portfolio management, the opposite is true. The vast majority of professional money managers cannot outperform an unmanaged benchmark. And what you don’t pay in expenses is yours to keep. (In particular, and with interest rates so low, a bond fund manager can take most of your annual return.)

The real problem is not that financial markets are rigged. It’s that people often lack the knowledge and experience necessary to reach their most important financial goals, including a secure retirement.

But it absolutely is possible to beat Wall Street at its own game…

Alexander Green discovered this in his 16 years working on Wall Street, and it’s one of the most effective strategies he has ever seen.

It allows you to…

  • Find out about stocks that are going to get analyst upgrades before they happen…
  • Get in early before these stocks make headlines.
  • Position yourself before these stocks soar.

InvestorPlace says this particular strategy is “an anomaly that can make you rich.”

That’s why it’s important you make absolutely sure you’re in attendance on June 3 for How to Legally Rig the Stock Market in Your Favor.

Alexander Green will also show you exactly what it takes to avoid making any of the six mistakes he listed above.

Learn more about Alexander Green

Alexander Green has arguably the best track record in the history of the financial publishing industry.

Since 2001, Alex has used one special strategy to outperform the S&P 591% to 237%. Alex has also worked as an investment advisor, research analyst and portfolio manager on Wall Street over the course of his 35-year career in finance.

He is a New York Times bestselling author and has penned four national bestsellers: The Gone Fishin’ PortfolioThe Secret of Shelter IslandBeyond Wealth and An Embarrassment of Riches.

Who Is Bill O’Reilly – The How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor Event host?

A trailblazing journalist, Bill O’Reilly achieved unprecedented success on cable television, hosting its highest-rated show for 16 years.

He’s also authored 15 national #1 bestselling nonfiction books. There are currently more than 18 million books in print from his Killing series.

He holds a master’s degree in broadcast journalism from Boston University and a master’s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

He currently hosts No Spin News on and The O’Reilly Update on more than 200 radio affiliates across the country.

When Is How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor Event with Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green scheduled to take place?

How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor with Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green has been scheduled to take place on Thursday, June 3, at 1 p.m. ET. It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.

How to sign up for the Set For Life Summit?

To get access to How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor Event, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here. Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. (or have a U.S.-based phone number) will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs. As a VIP member, the following extra bonuses will be sent out immediately:

  • FREE Special Bonus – Alexander Green’s 2021 Investment U Conference Keynote Presentation (People Paid Thousands of Dollars to Be in Attendance!)

Even if you wanted to watch online from home, it would have cost you hundreds.

video still

But you’re getting Alex Green’s keynote speech, free, by becoming a VIP.

Closing Remarks On How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor Event

64% of Americans believe the market is rigged against them… And it’s true that Wall Street has major advantages that regular people just can’t imagine. But thanks to Alex’s Wall Street expertise, he’s prepared to show viewers how they can turn the tables and rig trades in their favor.

This is crucial for anyone who wants to beat the market going forward.

Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green will show you how to use Wall Street’s single biggest legal advantage against them, so you can beat the fat cats at their own game.

It’s not complicated.

But it’s a chance to spot stocks Wall Street is poised to pump up before it happens.

At the event, you’ll also get details from Alex on three particular stocks he believes are poised to soar…

And you’ll see why Wall Street does NOT want you to know about these stocks!

How to Legally Rig the Market in Your Favor with Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green – Claim Your FREE Spot Here

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