Hot Money Trader Review – Is Joshua Belanger’s Legit?

Hot Money Trader is a way to predict explosive moves in the market days before they occur — but you need to be able to spot it. With Joshua Belanger at the helm, the aim of this new research advisory is to show you how to use “Hot Money” signals to profit from unusual insider activity.

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Hot Money Trader Review – How it works?

“Hot Money” is a way to predict explosive moves in the market days before they occur. We’re talking about trades that capture gains as high as 900% in eight days… 1,103% in 15 days…. even 1,797% in 14 days.

You see, “Hot Money” trades are nothing like the typical trades made by everyday folks. They’re huge investments made by people on the inside placing all-or-nothing bets on a single stock.

If the insiders making those trades are wrong, they lose all the money they’ve wagered…

Who’s willing to take such a big risk? Someone who’s dead certain they’re going to be right!

Wall Street insiders spend billions on research. They have thousands of highly paid analysts on staff. And they have connections you can only dream of.

They know things we don’t.

But following the “Hot Money” tips you off to major market moves BEFORE they happen.

With Joshua Belanger at the helm, Hot Money Trader will show you how to use “Hot Money” signals to profit from unusual insider activity. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack. But with Joshua’s “Hot Money” system, it’s never been easier.

Joshua scours the market every single day looking for unusual insider activity — the “Hot Money” — that tips him off to where the big gains in the market are coming from next.

The “Hot Money” is the ONLY indicator in the world that can tip you off about multimillion dollar “insider bets”… BEFORE they cause massive moves in the markets…

Giving you the chance to pocket gains of $38,800 in 8 days… $26,998 in 5 days… even $10,990 in 2 days.

I know, gains like this are foreign to everyday investors like you…

But Wall Street insiders have been enjoying them for a very long time.

Now’s your chance to turn the tables on them…

Just recently, you could have used this tool to make $163,700… from 2 back-to-back “hot money” trades…

They’re two trades insiders thought you’d never see…

But Joshua’s “hot money” tracker identified them precisely…

On 1/18/18, The Wall Street Journal reported Juno Therapeutics was talking about selling itself to rival Celgene…

This surprised investors… sending Juno to the moon that day…

What the public didn’t know was somebody “in the know” placed a massive short-term bet that Juno shares were going higher just a couple of weeks before…

Joshua’s“hot money” tracker registered a spike on that trade!

And had you bought when it did, you could pocketed a 833% gain…

Turning a modest $2,000 investment in $16,600 using this strategy.

Amazing, right?

But Joshua’s “hot money” tracker wasn’t done…

Just a few days after that spike, another one popped up on his screen…

Another huge “hot money” trade was placed in International Paper (IP) …

Everyday investors had no clue something was up with IP…

But Joshua’s “hot money” tracker told him that an insider “knew” something and placed a huge bet on that info.

And sure enough, Seeking Alpha announced a short time later that International Paper shares jumped higher because it had raised its pricing.

If you got in the trade when Joshua’s HMT indicator spiked, you could have collected a huge 804% gain…

Turning a $2,000 investment into $16,080.

Now that’s just two “hot money” trades a few days apart that could have delivered you a cool $32,680.

Just by following Wall Street insiders’ “hot money”…

These are the type of huge short-term gains that are only possible if you use Joshua’s “hot money” strategy…

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What do you get for your money?

Right now, you can get an entire year of Hot Money Trader for  $3,000.

Here’s everything you get with your subscription:

  • Flash Hot Money emails
    • Giving you the best way to profit from Hot Money.
  • Weekly portfolio updates
    • Sent via email. If anything changes within any of the recommendations in the model portfolio, you will be the first to know. These updates also include my most pressing market analysis, new trade recommendations, and more.
  • First-reader rights to all new special reports.
    • If a new report is published, you will be the first to know.
  • Access to the online Hot Money Trader model portfolio.
  • 24/7 access to the Hot Money Trader members-only website.
  • Free subscriptions to The 5 Min. Forecast, America Uncensored, The Rude Awakening and The Rundown.

All of these benefits are yours with a subscription to Hot Money Trader.

Meet Joshua Belanger

Joshua Belanger - Hot Money Trader
Joshua Belanger – Hot Money Trader

“Options. The mere mention of the word is enough to send a shiver down many investors’ spines. But, fact is, you don’t have to understand any complex options strategies to make money using them. Now I want to show you how you can use options, with my Hot Money Trader system to supercharge your gains, all while keeping your risks limited.”

Joshua Belanger got his start as a runner on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).

Joshua eventually made his way to the trading desk — learning the inner workings of trading and the markets.

He has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, The New York Times, Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg and Businessweek. He is also the author of the book Fearless Investing With Options.

Today, Joshua brings his expertise and experience of the market to Seven Figure Publishing as editor of Hot Money Trader.

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