If you want to know how you could invest in the fastest growing companies in the financial markets…
We’re talking about the next giants like Amazon or Facebook…
BEFORE they explode and everyone wants to pile in…
Then Sean Keyes’ E.V.Profit Alert might just be the premium service you are looking for.

Sean Keyes’ E.V.Profit Alert Review – What IS It?
To get a rocket into outer space, you have to build a machine that can travel at 25,021mph in a vertical line.
Why precisely 25,021 mph?
25,021 mph is what’s called “escape velocity”. That’s the speed a rocket needs to be travelling to break free of Earth’s gravity well.
At 25,021 mph the pull of earth’s gravity starts to weaken. And once the rocket is clear of the Earth’s gravity, it really starts to move. Soon it’s flying along through space at 154,800mph.
And startup companies have an “escape velocity” moment of their own.
Think of it as their moment of truth. If they manage to hit escape velocity, they explode in value. In a short space of time their share price can grow five, ten or twenty times.
But many startups don’t make it. Their costs drag them downwards, like gravity pulling on a rocket.
If you can spot successful startups just before they reach escape velocity, you’re onto a good thing. That’s a way to multiply your money many times, in a fairly short space of time.
Thanks to his extensive research in this niche area of the market, Sean Keyes believes he’s uncovered a way of identifying which companies could become giants of the future.
Sean calls it his V.E.L.O.C.I.T.Y trading system. Each of these elements help suggests a company – and it’s share price – could be about to take off dramatically:
The elements are:
V – Volume: there may be a high recent trading volume
E – Effective: the product or service must be good
L – Loss Making: the company must be making a loss
O – Operating Costs: product or service must be cost-effective
C – Catalyst: there must be a clear reason for change
I – Industry: must operate in an appropriate industry
T – Tailwind: there should be good people behind the company
Y – Young: the company should be early in its lifespan
That all might sound complicated and difficult to implement but don’t worry because:
- You don’t need to do any laborious analysis…
- You don’t need to spend hours watching the markets yourself…
- And you don’t need any complicated software.
Sean will do all the hard work analysing companies, following his V.E.L.O.C.I.T.Y trading system and applying further rigorous analysis. And once he’s found a company he believes is about to take off he’ll be in touch with all the details.
What you DO need to be able to do is follow a few simple instructions and be comfortable with taking bigger risks when it comes to investing.
You see, this is high risk – many companies “shooting for the moon” are bound to crash to the ground. That’s why it’s so important to have an expert of Sean’s calibre to guide you to the opportunities with the best profit potential. Sometimes losses will happen, so only invest with money you can afford to lose.
If you are comfortable with that, then Sean Keyes’ E.V. Profit Alert has the potential to transform the way you invest.
E.V. Profit Alert service FAQ
Q1. Is every company that hits ‘escape velocity’ guaranteed to make money and return investors a gain?
A. No. When it comes to investing, nothing is guaranteed.
There is every chance a company could hit ‘escape velocity’ and then fizzle out and become a dud. The worst that could happen is that the company falls back so far, it crashes and goes bankrupt.
But it’s more likely that you’ll see some stocks “in the red” for a period of time before they turn a profit, and it’s possible we’ll take some losses along the way.
This is a risk you must be willing to take if you choose to follow my V.E.L.O.C.I.T.Y. trading system.
Though there are no guarantees, I am comfortable in saying that in my experience and research, the worst case scenario happens very rarely.
More likely a company that hits ‘escape velocity’ and goes nowhere will founder at first and this gives investors an opportunity to sell a position for a loss.
I fully anticipate there will be occasions when this will happen to us.
My aim in doing this research and putting together my V.E.L.O.C.I.T.Y.trading system is that these occasions will be minimal.
Our aim will be to find the fastest growing companies in the market…those companies that when they do hit ‘escape velocity’ rocket by 10x.
We’ve seen that is possible.
Big gains are out there to be had.
And they’re the kind of gains we’ll be aiming for with E.V. Profit Alert.
But don’t expect it to only be gains. We will hit losses from time to time and you need to go into this with your eyes wide open to that possibility.
Q2. When will I need to be available to buy and sell stocks? Do I need to be on call 24/7?
A. When I spot a company I think we should be in on, I’ll send out an alert via email. These alerts will reach your inbox by 2:30pm.
Obviously the sooner you can act after receiving my alert the better…
But the fact is, you’ll usually have at least a few hours, if not a few days breathing space to buy the recommended stock.
To make sure you’re covered, with every stock I recommend, I’ll detail a ‘buy up to price’ in my alert. So, if you are delayed in acting and something drastic happens, you’ll know not to invest.
I’ll do the same when it comes to selling out of any positions. I’ll always be clear on any action that is required.
If you work full-time and struggle to get to a computer during the day, in almost every case, you should still be able to get in below the buy limit price.
Q3. Is this only investing in small and micro cap stocks?
A. Not all the time.
Though it is the case that many of the companies my V.E.L.O.C.I.T.Y.trading system will identify are often very small, they don’t have to be.
The size of the company is not one of the fundamental elements I’m looking for, so if the company is a bit bigger than you might normally expect – I would still be happy to recommend it, if it met with all the other criteria for selection.
Q4. How will Brexit affect the companies you select using the V.E.L.O.C.I.T.Y. trading system?
A. It won’t. Not really.
We’ll be looking at companies in the UK and in America too. (Remember, you’ll get a special report that reveals everything you need to know to invest overseas.)
Whatever happens come March 2019, it won’t really have much of an effect on the way we look to pick stocks.
The V.E.L.O.C.I.T.Y. trading system looks at things on a much more fundamental level, and we would notice if Brexit was having an adverse influence on a company in one of the factors we scan for.
So, thankfully, this is one investment approach where you DON’T have to worry about Brexit.
Q5. Do I need to monitor the stocks you recommend myself?
A. I know that ultimately this will be different for each investor, but if you would prefer to do nothing more than buy and sell when I tell you to…that’s fine.
I know a lot of my current followers like to follow my advice but monitor the markets themselves too. If that’s the approach you prefer, you can do that too.
But I see it as my responsibility to make sure I give you all the critical information you need to be able to do nothing more than buy and sell based on my advice.
Q6. Do I need any special skills or experience to do this?
A. As I’ve made clear, in searching for the fastest growing companies in the market…there are risks. So I wouldn’t recommend this service to complete beginners.
Though I’ve done everything to make following my advice as simple as possible, if you’ve never bought a share before – I don’t think this is the most appropriate place to start.
But beyond a basic understanding of buying and selling shares and an appreciation for the financial markets, I don’t believe you need any more specialist knowledge to take advantage of companies on the verge of reaching ‘escape velocity’.
Q7. How much do I need to invest?
A. Again, this is completely up to you and only you will know how much you can afford to invest in a speculative opportunity like this.
Technically there is no minimum investment, aside from the cost of the stocks in question and the costs of investing.
However, as I have stated this is not a service for complete beginners, I would strongly advise those who do join me are investors who are able to risk at least a few thousand.
Q8. Are all of the companies you’ll be tipping ‘tech’ companies?
A. Not necessarily. The nature of my V.E.L.O.C.I.T.Y. trading systemmeans that many companies that meet the criteria do work in the tech industry. But not all of them will be.
For example, if you think about an airline company. They have big fixed costs in building an aeroplane and kitting out a fleet, but once they start to jet customers around the world, their costs drop significantly.
We’re interested in the fundamentals of a company and whether it has a good product. If it does, we’re not too worried about whether it’s in the technology industry or not.
Q9. Am I able to contact you with questions about a particular company?
A. You are welcome to contact me at all times. And if you ever have a query about the system, I encourage you to do so. But it’s important for me to point out also that I am not able to give personal investment advice. Otherwise, you’ll receive a contact email for me as soon as you subscribe today.
Q10. How do I claim a refund of the subscription cost?
A. Hopefully you won’t want to. But if for any reason you decide E.V. Profit Alert isn’t for you at ANY point during the next 30 days, just contact our dedicated customer service team and let them know you’d like to cancel. They’ll stop you subscription and arrange for your subscription fee to be paid back through the same means you paid initially. There are no catches, no questions and you can keep all the reports and bonuses I’ll send you today as a thank you for at least trying out my advice.
Who is Sean Keyes?
Sean Keyes made his first – successful investment at the tender age of just 11 years old. Since then, he’s been obsessed with learning about the markets.
His obsession led him to the UK’s best-selling financial magazine, MoneyWeek, where he worked for many years as an editor.
But in 2015, he left to join Agora Financial UK, so he could focus on more exciting opportunities in the market – specifically in the technology sector.
You may have heard Sean talking about his ideas on Share Radio, Core Finance TV or at the London Investor Show.
Or it may be you already subscribed to his popular Technology Profits Confidential newsletter – which has over 5,500 members.
However, Sean believes that his E.V. Profit Alert premium service could knock everything he’s done so far out of the water.
What you’ll get with E.V. Profit Alert?
As a member of E.V. Profit Alert, you’ll receive:
- URGENT E.V. PROFIT ALERTS: As soon as Sean V.E.L.O.C.I.T.Y. trading system identifies a potential ‘escape velocity’ company and his additional screening confirms it as an active recommendation, he will be in touch via email with full details.
- WEEKLY E.V. PROFIT UPDATES: Each week Sean will be in touch with a round up of what’s going on in the market and updates on any of his live positions.
- BONUS ONE: A special briefing that details his research into companies that reach escape velocity and how to find them – This primer will give you a deeper understanding of his approach and help you to see why he selects certain companies and steer clear of others. You’ll receive access to a downloadable PDF copy of this special briefing as soon as you subscribe.
- BONUS TWO: The world’s best business model: why escape velocity stocks are killing it – The report outlines the common business model that companies that are aiming for ‘escape velocity’ use. He describes it as the world’s best business model and inside this bonus report, you’ll discover why.
- BONUS THREE: A free PDF copy of his brand new book, The Market of 2023: The Five Biggest Investment Stories of the Next Five Years
- BONUS FOUR: An exclusive new guide that shows you how to invest in UK and US stocks, so you can take full advantage It outlines how to buy and sell stocks in the UK and in the US. And it outlines in full the risks involved and any extra details you might need to take into account.
- BONUS FIVE: Deep insight into market trends thanks to full access to Sean’s exclusive E.V. Profit Alert webinar each month – Every month Sean will be broadcasting an exclusive webinar, just for members of E.V. Profit Alert. It will be an opportunity to look at the market from a broader perspective to understand better what’s happening and why.