Dr. Sjuggerud’s Melt Up Review – Is it good?

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud believes that in the next 6-9 months we’re going to see the stock market hit higher highs faster than anyone could ever imagine.

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s Final Melt Up Event – Click here to reserve your spot

There is going to be a massive buying frenzy… and all sorts of things that might seem crazy to you now will become the new normal.

I’m talking about:

  • An Uber Driver telling you he’s loading up on Amazon at $2,000 per share…
  • A Stripper bragging about her E-Trade account…
  • A family BBQ resembling an open outcry trading floor…
  • Text messages with stock tips from high school friends you haven’t heard from in years…
  • Your Facebook feed filled with stories of friends quitting their jobs to day-trade…
  • And your neighbor’s kid dropping out of college after making 500% on a tiny tech stock you’ve never heard of.

Steve first issued this prediction in 2015 in front of a small audience of lifetime True Wealth subscribers at a luxury casino in Las Vegas.

Despite Steve’s solid track record of big predictions…like gold in 2003, biotech in 2012, and real estate in 2011…

Many doubted The Melt Up.


Dr. Steve SjuggerudFinal Melt UpNew Prediction From Dr. Steve Sjuggerud

“I’m not going to sugarcoat it,” the former hedge-fund manager recently said. “We are entering a period of great risk AND great reward… and where you end up financially a decade from now could depend entirely on the actions you take in the coming days.” Steve is going live on April 29 with his most important prediction in years.

Click here to reserve your spot.

But the NASDAQ index is up 159% since Steve’s speech in Vegas.

And stocks across most sectors are on a tear.

Take the technology sector, for example.

  • Despite recent volatility, tech giant Facebook is still up 340% since its debut in 2012.
  • Apple is up more than 1,590% since its bottom in 2009.
  • And Amazon is up an unbelievable 4,200% since the housing crash.

But these gains are chump change compared to what’s around the corner.

On October 24th, Steve Sjuggerud will reveal exactly how to play these final months of The Melt Up.

We’re excited to announce that Jim Rogers is set to make an appearance during this Melt Up Event. Jim’s a big name in finance, with readers all around the world.

What you gonna get for your money with Dr. Sjuggerud’s Melt Up Service?

The price of Dr. Sjuggerud’s Melt Up service is $2,500 for one year subscription.

Here’s a full list of what you’ll gonna get:

And it gets even better…

They want to make the following guarantee…

Steve’s Amazing Guarantee: If our special portfolio of stocks doesn’t double before the end of the Melt Up, they will give you every penny back in the form of a $2,500 credit. PLUS a full bonus year of True Wealth Systems (a $5,500 total value)


Former U.S. Congressman – Here’s how rich get richer


Former 12-term Congressman, Air Force surgeon, and Presidential candidate says both political parties are wrong about how the rich REALLY get richer. Take a few minutes to hear him explain what’s going on… what’s coming next… and most importantly, what YOU can do about it, starting right now.

Click here for details.

Who is Dr. Steve Sjuggerud – the man who called the “Melt Up”?

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud's Melt Up Service
Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s Melt Up Service

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud graduated high school at 16. Was a broker by age 21 and had an MBA by 22.

By 23 he was working on his PhD in Finance while acting as Vice President of a global mutual fund. He went on to become a successful stockbroker and even run his own hedge fund.

But then one day, he quit.

He was fed up with “business as usual” on Wall Street… the bureaucracy… the greed… the endless meetings.

In 2001 he went into business with his childhood friend, Porter Stansberry.

Steve and Porter figured out if they simply did all the hard work that people should do before investing… they could reverse some of the damage caused by Wall Street and the government.

So in 2001, Steve started publishing a monthly briefing called True Wealth through Stansberry Research…

Nearly overnight, Steve became a sensation.

Today, over 100,000 paid subscribers around the world read True Wealth.  And more than half a million read his free daily e-letter – Daily Wealth.

Just recently, Steve began to change the lives of tens of thousands of our subscribers when he issued a prediction that we refer to as “The Melt Up.”


Missed buying bitcoin in 2015? It doesn’t matter…

This is your rare second chance to get in early on world-changing crypto tech – without touching a crypto exchange or “digital wallet.” This potential market is 1,400% bigger than bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. It’s all part of a bigger trend you must understand before it goes mainstream – click here for the full story.

What is Steve Sjuggerud’s Melt Up Service?

As Steve will prove during the event… this bull market is NOT over yet.

Long BEFORE stocks collapse…

We will witness a mania that will send the NASDAQ soaring past 10,000… 20,000 – even higher…

And people who have sat on the sidelines will stampede into the markets.

You may disagree with Steve’s prediction. Or believe this sort of outcome is impossible. But as you’ll see during this event, it’s happened before and it’s happening again.

Yes, this bull market has been fantastic, and most people have already made money… but get ready for what is going to be the most insane period in the stock market you’ll ever see in our lifetime.

It will be like bitcoin mania times 100.

Some folks can make 20 years of gains in the next 6-9 months.

This is when people go out and start buying Porsches in cash… or earning enough to send all their children through college debt free.

Sooner than you can imagine, you’re going to see people doing all sorts of stupid things with their money…

So you have to play it smart.  You have to know EXACTLY where to put your money and, more importantly, EXACTLY when to get out.

And on October 24th, with tens of thousands of people tuned in from around the world, Steve will reveal all the specifics for the first time ever.

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