Dave Lashmet’s The Triple Play: Three 1,000% Obesity Drug Companies

Dave Lashmet is known as the “biotech guy”. He attends tons of conferences every year, and a chance encounter at a conference in Paris back in 2019 had him stumbling across one of the greatest medical breakthroughs in our lifetimes. He’s followed it ever since.

And, if you haven’t yet heard of the three tiny drug makers with 10x potential he’s managed to pinpoint within the last eight months, now’s a good time to get the full story.

Find The Names of Dave Lashmet’s Three 1,000% Obesity Drug Companies Here

What Are Dave Lashmet’s Three 1,000% Obesity Drug Companies?

In the last eight months of hard-core research, Dave Lashmet has uncovered three tiny companies with 10x potential. And he’s finally ready to share his discovery… before the world learns of it, any day now. Read his message below to learn more. Or better yet, watch his exclusive interview to get the full story.

I’m a scientist. And for the last 20 years, I’ve been known for sticking strictly to facts and tamping down on hype.

But I’m telling you, what I found today is unprecedented.

Once-in-a-century type stuff.

I’ve identified FOUR companies that could start a whole new wave of medicine.

Together, they have the means to help treat and even cure a disease that affects 42% of adults in the United States.

And, three of these companies are very small – around 100x smaller than companies like Pfizer or Abbott.

Which sets them up for massive potential gains… up to 1,000%, based on my research.

I’ve been following this story for eight solid months.

And now, I’m ready to share it with you, right here, on camera.

And give away, for free, one of the four companies that’s kick-starting this incredible new medical market, which could grow to $440 billion by 2025.

You can find the details, here.

Who is Dave Lashmet?

Dave is one of the first employees Porter hired after launching Stansberry Research in August 1999.

In seven years between 1999 and 2006, David covered some of the most important technological innovations in history. Notably, his ID Biomedical recommendation returned 322% for subscribers… It’s still one of the 10 best-returning positions ever recommended in Stansberry’s history. (You’ll find it listed in the Hall of Fame published at the end of every issue of Stansberry’s daily e-letter, the Stansberry Digest.)

He also did extensive early-stage research into groundbreaking tech (and medical tech) firms, including Intuitive Surgical, Autonomy (bought by HP), and Illumina. If you look up these stocks, you’ll see that they eventually went up hundreds of percent, and in some cases thousands, after he wrote about them.

Dave Lashmet is the editor behind Stansberry Venture Technology newsletter.

Here, Dave is searching for the smallest and most promising firms out there… ones you’d likely never hear about (that is, until they get acquired). The goal is for subscribers to make five or 10 times their money on these speculations.

Now Dave says it’s “open season” on three tiny drug makers sitting on breakthroughs with 10x potential – for those who get in before this breaks mainstream news headlines.

That’s why he has compiled a research report on everything you need to know as these opportunities play out. This report covers all the science and research we’ve been discussing, but in far greater detail.

You’ll get the name of the three virtually unknown drug companies with 10x potential… and the details on how their stocks are projected to rocket higher in the coming days and months.

These three picks are much smaller than the free pick Dave is giving away today. But soon the world will know about their miraculous, groundbreaking drugs.

There is simply nothing like this report out there… available at any price.

It’s called, “The Triple Play: Three 1,000% Obesity Drug Companies.

In this report, you’ll learn everything you need to know about these tiny companies with breakthrough treatments…

  • The names and ticker symbols of three picks with 1,000% potential,
  • The science behind why their drugs are so effective,
  • When Dave expects an FDA decision for each,
  • How much Dave recommends you pay for shares,
  • And much, much more.

“The Triple Play: Three 1,000% Obesity Drug Companies” contains everything you need to know to get in on the ground floor of the greatest medical advancements of the 21st century.

You can access this report today, by taking a subscription to Dave’s monthly investment research letter, Stansberry Venture Technology.

What Is Stansberry Venture Technology?

In Stansberry Venture Technology, Editor Dave Lashmet scours the public markets for little-known, small-cap companies that are producing the next wonder drug or technology.

Dave is the perfect man to head up this effort. He is extremely plugged in to the technology and biotech sector. He’s an inventor with three active patents. He has developed, packaged, and sold his ideas to one of the largest consumer-electronics firms in the world.

Dave has spent the past 20 years working as an independent technology analyst. And he has spent close to a decade researching and writing about technology for major universities. And for Stansberry Venture Technology, Dave is searching for the smallest and most promising firms out there. They’re the ones you’d likely never hear about (that is, until they get acquired).

The goal is for subscribers to make five or 10 times their money on these speculations.

What’s Included With Your Stansberry Venture Technology Subscription?

Here’s everything you’ll receive when you subscribe:

12 monthly issues of Stansberry Venture Technology

Delivered to your inbox on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Plus, of course, instant access to the entire model portfolio, with more than 30 total open recommendations today.

The Triple Play: Three 1,000% Obesity Drug Companies

This is the report you should read right away, with the tickers and everything you need to know about the three small biotech companies with 10x potential. Including how to set up your position, the recommended buy-up-to price, and when you can expect to see the first big move. (It could be days away).

BONUS Report 1: A New Type of Energy Company… With 500% Gain Potential

This report details everything you need to know about a brand-new type of energy company that’s powered using geothermal technology. Dave predicts up to 500% gains on the small company he found that’s one of the leaders in this incredible new tech space.

BONUS Report 2: The Universal Cancer Cure

Your guide to everything you need to know about this breakthrough, plus the names and ticker symbols of the pick that holds the keys to ending cancer. It could return several hundred percent (or more) in the coming years.

Email Updates on Breaking Opportunities

Of course, once you’re “in” as a subscriber, Dave Lashmet will also send you critical “buy” and “sell” opportunities, essentially in real time. Plus breaking updates from medical conferences and tech industry events… Dave Lashmet’s must-read Stansberry Venture Tech Handbook to help you get started with this type of investing… and much more.

Stansberry Venture Technology Pricing

A one-year subscription to Stansberry Venture Technology normally costs $5,500.

Today, you won’t even pay half that much.

This opportunity to see three picks with 1,000%, long-term upside – thanks to three drugs Dave believes can help cure the damage done from the world obesity epidemic.

Dave Lashmet doesn’t want you to miss out because of the upfront cost.

That’s why he’s offering an extraordinary and rare discount – 55% off Stansberry’s most elite and expensive research, Stansberry Venture Technology.

So you can instantly access the opportunities with 10x potential and all the most lucrative stock ideas in the most explosive corner of the market today.

You can claim access for just $2,500 here.

When you say “yes” to this offer, you’ll get instant access to Dave Lashmet’s three recommendations in The Triple Play: Three 1,000% Obesity Drug Companies.

And, you’ll get Dave’s entire Stansberry Venture Technology model portfolio. On average, one out of every three stocks Dave Lashmet pick at least doubles in price.

Get Stansberry Venture Technology Here – 55% OFF

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