Dave Forest Zero to Retirement Summit Review – Is It Worth Your Time?

Dave Forest Zero to Retirement Summit is an online event where Casey Research’s expert will reveal how – by riding Jeff Bezos’ coattails – you can make 49 years’ worth of profits in just one year. Zero to Retirement Summit has been scheduled to take place on Wednesday, October 20 at 8 p.m. ET.

Today, we’ll reveal some of the details of what it’s all about and why you should make sure you’re there.


“Penny Trade” Pays Warren Buffett as Much as an Extraordinary 4,429%?


“Penny Trades” are cheap and explosive…

Warren Buffett grabbed 46 million of them for 1¢ a pop.

Right now, he’s up as much as a rare 4,429% on this trade.

But “Penny Trades” aren’t reserved for billionaires like Buffett.

Thanks to SEC loophole 30.52, you can play them in your brokerage account.

  • One of these “Penny Trades” shot up 183% in one day…
  • Penny Trades can pay far MORE than stocks…
  • Our readers just saw a 19¢ trade shoot up as much as a rare 5,100%…

Here’s the No. 1 “Penny Trade” for RIGHT NOW

Dave Forest Zero to Retirement Summit – What Could Be Better Than a 4,942% Gain?

Dave Forest Zero to Retirement Summit Review

So, what is it all about?

Well, it’s got to do with Dave Forest’s favorite investment type – warrants. In particular, it’s a set-up happening in the coming weeks, which Dave says will virtually guarantee a big investment return. That’s why he’s holding the event on Wednesday, October 20 – to make sure folks have enough time to take in all the information and research, before buying in.

Dave says if you get in before mid-November – the returns could outscore his two previous biggest gains.

The biggest was a trade in a little-known company called Purple Innovation. This opportunity flashed up as a buy back in February 2019. The stock was trading around $5.75 at the time. Eighteen months later, the stock was trading around $30. That’s when Dave told his readers to sell.

Now, if you do the math, that isn’t a 4,942% gain. It’s “just” a gain of 421%. That’s still pretty good, especially when you consider we had the COVID-19 crash occur bang in the middle of it.

But why the difference in the gains? That’s where the warrants come in.

Rather than paying the full stock price of around $6, investors who followed Dave’s advice were able to buy in at just 19 cents.

That’s because they didn’t buy the stock… they bought the warrant.

And when the stock went from less than $6 to more than $30, at the same time, the warrant went from 19 cents to $9.57.

That’s the 4,942% gain!

You can see the comparative returns in the chart below:

So how does that work? Look, we won’t get into all the details here. But the quick story is that companies issue warrants as a kind of incentive. It’s a way to attract investors. By offering warrants, the company is rewarding an investor for having faith in what the company is trying to achieve.


“5G Master Key” Video Goes Viral. Here’s What You Missed…


5G investments topped $1.2 trillion.

It was supposed to be a major upgrade from the current network.

Then BAM!

As networks tested their new 5G systems… a glitch crippled it.

That’s why they’re after what one man calls the “5G Master Key.” It’s owned by one tiny company…

And he believes it’s the biggest tech story for 2021.

See details here.

Dave Forest Zero to Retirement Summit – No Better Way to Invest Than This

Remember, the companies themselves are less likely to be large blue-chips. They’re more likely to be mid-caps… the kind of company that many investors would consider to be riskier.

So to offset that perceived risk, the company will issue warrants, which actually lets the investor reduce their risk. How?

Because rather than laying out the full price of the underlying share (in the case of Purple Innovation, $5.75), investors only had to lay out 19 cents for the warrants. It reduces risk because instead of staking (say) $5,000 in the stock, an investor only had to invest $1,000… or even just $500.

And yet, despite the smaller stake, they were still able to benefit from the rising share price.

For instance, $5,000 in the Purple Innovation stock would have turned into $26,050. A nice return.

But a $500 stake in the Purple Innovations warrants would have turned into $25,210. Pretty much the same end result, but investors only needed to put one-tenth the amount at risk.

You see how it works?

This isn’t the only example. They did it again with Blink Charging, an electric vehicle related company.

At the time of the recommendation, the stock was trading around $3.50. By the time Dave recommended selling, just over 18 months later, it was trading above $26. All up, a gain of 642%.

But Dave didn’t recommend the stock. His readers were in the warrants, which traded at just $1 in February 2019. When Dave issued the sell, they traded above $29.

That’s the 2,805% gain.

The difference is obvious…

Less money down…

The chance to lower your risk…

Bigger gains.

We truly can’t think of a better way to invest than this.

That’s why we want to make sure you know all about the next opportunity. And that’s where Dave Forest Zero to Retirement Summit on October 20 enters the picture. And this one has a surprising connection…


Bitcoin Owners Check This Out:


This is the average transfer fee to send Bitcoin.

In May 2012, it cost exactly $0 to send Bitcoin.

But now it costs over $59.

Or what about this:

The average time to confirm a Bitcoin transaction from September 2020 to May 2021 has increased by 12,755%!

Meaning it takes 55 hours longer to transfer a Bitcoin from one person to another!

What changed?

It’s part of a new bug that has emerged in the Bitcoin network.

Right now most people have no clue this “Bitcoin Bug” exists.

Yet up to 70 million Bitcoin owners could be severely affected in the days ahead…

Click here to see how to prepare.

Dave Forest Zero to Retirement Summit: How to Ride the Next Big Warrant

It involves Jeff Bezos and Amazon.

Few folks know that Amazon has made more than two dozen investments over the past few years… and many of those deals have involved warrants.

Now, Bezos and Amazon have another deal in the works.

And according to Dave, he says he’s never seen a deal with the potential to make his readers as much money as this… ever. In fact, he says that those who get in before mid-November will be able to make 49 years’ worth of profits… in one year. 

It’s an opportunity so historic that Dave is holding his first event ever on Wednesday, October 20 at 8 p.m. ET to get the word out.

It’s called the “Zero to Retirement Summit.” And if you join him… he’ll give you all the details about Amazon’s next target.

You don’t want to miss it… so make sure you reserve your spot right here.

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