Dave Forest American Mining Boom: How To Profit From The Growth of the Big Tech for Just $3

If you’re interested in finding a backdoor way to ride the growth of Big Tech – without paying thousands of dollars for shares…Pay close attention to what Dave Forest has to say in the next few minutes…

Watch “How To Profit From The Growth of the Big Tech for Just $3” Presentation Here

What Is Dave Forest $3 Investment All About?

“How To Profit Off Big Tech for Just $3″ is a brand new presentation where Dave Forest shows you how to profit from the growth of tech superstars… and hundreds of other tech companies…For just $3…

You don’t have to pay a fortune for one share in Apple, Amazon, Google, and Tesla any more. This backdoor investment is cheaper – and could multiply your money far quicker.

You probably noticed Apple and Tesla recently “split” shares. And while this dilutes the value of each share, it also makes it far cheaper for everyday investors with limited portfolios.

Apple’s shares dropped from $499 each to $124. Tesla’s went from $2,230 to $446.

Interest in the shares soared. Call options on the stock splits delivered huge returns.

Online stock platforms have made it easier to buy so-called “fractional shares” – a smaller portion of a full share, similar to buying a cryptocurrency.

Fractional shares have proven extremely popular with regular investors.

It makes sense… After all, most investors’ portfolios are limited in size.

Did you know it would take $53,000 just to establish a 10-share position in each of Google, Amazon, Apple, and Tesla?

How big of a chunk is that from your portfolio?

You’d have to manage a hedge fund just to have enough money to hold a decent position in those companies.

That’s why Dave Forest just put together a special free workshop

He’s going to show you how to profit off the biggest names in the stock market…

For just $3.

Without buying fractional shares or options or anything like that.

Individuals can find the detailed information of the number one way to play the American tech boom in Dave Forest latest report – The #1 Copper Investment in America – which is FREE when you subscribe for Dave Forest Strategic Investor Newsletter.

Inside this copper report, Dave will show you the number one way to play the American tech boom by investing in the $3 copper royalty company that’s minting money.


Many royalty companies have seen extraordinary gains in the last couple of years…

And this $3 stock is next up to bat.

Thanks to the unique nature of its business, it could make you exponentially more money than any of the expensive big-name tech stocks.

Watch “How To Profit From The Growth of the Big Tech for Just $3” Presentation Here

Dave Forest Strategic Investor – What is it?

Dave Forest Strategic Investor Newsletter is an entry-level newsletter designed to look for “distortions in the market.”

Dave Forest plans for the letter to “include the most explosive stocks in the resource markets as well as core positions in world-class businesses trading at bargain prices.”

What Do You Get For Your Money With Dave Forest Strategic Investor?

One-Year Subscription to Strategic Investor

12 monthly issues with Dave Forest’s recommendations on how to best play the American tech metal mining boom. You’ll also get complimentary 24/7 access to the members only website, featuring our model portfolio and full archives of past issues and reports.

The American Lithium Boom

Dave Forest put together all the information on this breakthrough lithium company in his special report called: The American Lithium Boom:  How to Invest in Silicon Valley’s Fuel Source.

In The American Lithium Boom, Dave will tear this project apart from the perspective of an investor and a geologist. He will lay out the facts — and let you decide if this investment is right for you.

In The American Lithium Boom, Dave Forest will tell you more about the largest discovery of lithium in American history.

And about the small company that owns the rights.

He will explain why this type of mine is different from any other lithium mine — and why that could make it very lucrative.

And he will explain why he thinks this company is a perfect match for Tesla…

The #1 Copper Investment in America

It’s not just lithium: electric cars also require copper and other metals. Actually, there are 183 pounds of copper inside every battery-powered electric vehicle. In just one Tesla Model 3, there’s a mile’s worth of copper wire.

Copper is obviously an excellent conductor. It’s also prominent in batteries and electric motors. Copper is the key element in every single electric charging station around the country — over 20,000 at last count.

It’s no surprise as the electric car industry keeps growing — copper demand is also growing. In fact, electric cars are expected to use 8x more copper a year by 2027. Even the anticipation of rising electric car production gave some copper companies a nice boost.

Electric cars are no longer a thing of the future. They’ve arrived, right now.

And copper is ticking up, too — even in the midst of a pandemic.

America’s copper industry — inside the area I call the breadbasket of American mining — is heating up.

And Dave Forest found a very unique way to play this American copper boom.

You won’t have to buy a mining stock.

Instead of picking and choosing between dozens of projects — you can benefit from all of the best ones. You can buy a stake in over six massive American copper projects — many of them just miles from here.

If copper prices go up and production increases — you could make a fortune. But if copper prices stay the same — or even go down — your investment should hold up.


Because according to Dave Forest – the best way to play copper is to invest in what’s called a copper royalty company.

These companies don’t actually own any mines…

They get paid on the profits of dozens of mines — all at once. And it means massive gains during a boom. One of these royalty companies has returned an average of 71.5% per year — for the last 13 years.

If one mine stops operating, it doesn’t mean the end of the company. And the best American copper royalty company has over 44 copper projects — spread across five different continents.

Some of the most promising projects are in the US. There’s one in Nevada, four in Arizona, and another in Utah.

Dave Forest will explain everything you need to know about this company in a special copper report he created, called “The #1 Copper Investment in America.”

The Nickel Explosion

In The Nickel Explosion: How to Multiply Your Money on Tesla’s New Battery, Dave Forest will break down Tesla’s brand-new battery design and why it needs so much nickel.

He will outline the worldwide nickel supply shortage — and show you the way to play nickel for maximum gain…

Right here in America.

This report is yours free — along with your other two reports when you subscribe for Dave Forest Strategic Investor

Strategic Investor Price

Dave Forest Strategic Investor is priced at $49 for your first year. At the end of your initial subscription term, your membership will automatically renew at $129 per year.

Strategic Investor Refund Policy

You have 60 days to review your materials and try out Dave Forest Strategic Investor. If during this period you decide you are not completely satisfied for any reason…

Simply contact Customer Service team at 888-512-2739 and they’ll give you a full refund on your subscription.

Get Dave Forest Strategic Investor – Best Offer + Bonuses Here

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