Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets Review: FAST Money Method Explained

Want to know the real reason most people lose money with trading systems?

It’s not because the “guru” is a greedy huckster selling shiny objects and fairy tales (although maybe that too…).

It’s actually because of this weird “glitch” most of them don’t even know exists.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie to investing… or you’re a veteran pit trader…

Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets system can adapt to you, your trading style, and your lifestyle goals.

Click Here To Watch Chris Rowe’s FAST Money Method Presentation

How Chris Rowe’s FAST Money Method Works?

Chris Rowe says that a group of elite wall street “insiders” consistently multiply their money in the stock market every single day.

They’re able to make consistent profits from the stock market, every single year, for one simple reason.

It’s because wall street has access to a secret “backdoor” to the stock market.

Rowe calls it “The True Market”…

He put together everything in a new presentation called: FAST Money Method, where Chris Rowe reveals…

  • How these “Insiders” legally manipulate the stock market for their gain (and at your expense)…
  • The single easiest way to beat them at their own game and start winning more – and multiply your money– in the stock market.
  • And the little known F.A.S.T. Money Method that helped him become a stock market millionaire in his 20’s.


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FAST Money Method Indicators

The strategy is simple…

Chris Rowe says that he NEVER try to guess what’s going to happen next in the stock market.

Instead, his F.A.S.T. Money Method is made up of a proprietary data system – along with four important indicators – to see where the “Big Money” is going.

Click Here To Watch Chris Rowe’s FAST Money Method Presentation

Chris calls this the “trend”…

Big institutional investors usually stay focused in their favorite sectors for months – or years – at a time.

And if you want to make gains the easy way…

Without relying on the financial news for your stock picks…

Look for a trend and ride it for as long as you can.


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Indicator #1: The Bullish Percent Index

Look at this chart…

This chart allows us to take a group of stocks… which in this example is the NYSE composite index… And instantly know which direction the broader market is moving.

Chris Rowe’s favorite part is how clear the signal is from this indicator…

It strips away all of the unnecessary details that wind up screwing individual investors up…

And just gives us a clear “buy signal” or a “sell signal.”  This has to be one of the simplest, easiest, and most effective ways to reduce risk in all of existence. Because if you can see the trend, and you just go with the flow, it’s like picking up free money.

But no one is getting rich by going long – or short – the broader market.

We need to get down to a specific stock or ETF.

Click Here To Watch Chris Rowe’s FAST Money Method Presentation

This is where indicator #2 comes into play…

Indicator #2: “Sector Relative Strength”

This is how Chris Rowe drills down and find which sectors are going to make the biggest – and fastest – moves.

Here’s how it works…

At any given time, there are thousands of stocks that trade on the broader stock market.

And each stock is categorized into a specific sector.

There’s 11 major sectors in total…

  • Energy
  • Healthcare
  • Financial
  • Real Estate

Just to name a few.

And inside each sector are multiple sub-sectors. So, let’s say our indicators are telling us there’s an opportunity in the Energy sector…

We could take a broad sector bet and invest in an ETF like XLE…

Or, we could look at all the subsectors inside of energy…

…which are things like Oil & Coal, Oil Services, and Energy Other…

And use the “Sector Relative Strength” indicator to see which subsector is strongest relative to the rest of the stock market

We can trim the fat and ONLY get in on the best performing subsector of that trend.

But knowing what to buy is only half the battle…

Because if you don’t know when to get in and when to get out…You’re just guessing.

That’s where indicator #3 comes into play…


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Indicator #3: The “%30”

Which is shorthand for “30-week moving average”

If you’ve never heard of that term before, no worries, it’s really simple to understand. What this does is tell us how many stocks – in whatever sector we’re looking at – are trading above the average stock price from the last 30 weeks.

If more stocks are breaking above their 30-week moving average…that’s a really strong signal to get back in the market.

If more stocks are starting to fall below their 30-week moving average…

…that’s a strong signal to get out.

So, if you’ve ever found yourself sitting on the sidelines wondering when to get back in…

Or you’ve ever felt nervous and wondered if you should get out…

This is the key to knowing what to do.

Click Here To Watch Chris Rowe’s FAST Money Method Presentation

Alright so quick review…

Chris Rowe’s F.A.S.T. Money Method uses four powerful indicators to legally spy on Wall Street’s biggest moves…

  1. You start by looking at the “Bullish Percent Index” to get a high level view of where the major trends are…
  2. Next, you use “Sector Relative Strength” to narrow our search down to the best performing sectors and subsectors…
  3. Then, you use the %30 to help you know when to get in and when to get out.

Now, if all you had were these three indicators…

You’d probably do better than 99% of all individual investors right now.

In fact, if all you did was make sure you were fully invested into ONLY the best performing sector…

You could have turned a $10,000 investment into almost $1.8 million in 18 years’ time.

If you want to get market crushing returns, you need to be in the right sector at the right time. If you want to maximize your profit potential using Chris Rowe‘s F.A.S.T. Money Method...

…and find the fastest, biggest, safest, and most consistent gains in the market right now…

You want to trade ONLY the strongest stock in the sector. That’s where the “7-1 month” indicator comes into play.

Indicator #4: The “7-1 Month”

And just like all of Chris Rowe‘s other indicators…

It’s easy to understand… simple to use… and wildly effective.

Here’s how it works…

If you want to figure out what individual stocks are the best ones to invest in… Generally speaking, you should buy stocks that are already outperforming other stocks in its sector…

And sell stocks that aren’t.

This is called “price momentum”

Just like we learned in science class that “objects in motion will stay in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force”…

The same principle is true in the stock market.

Or more simply put…

If a stock has been going up for the past 6 months, it will probably continue to go up for the next 6 months. But here’s the thing you need to know about stocks…

They don’t go up in a straight line.  There’s usually a “pull back” where the stock takes a slight dip before moving higher.  Which means the best time to invest in a stock showing “price momentum” is right after it drops.

That’s where the “7-1 month” indicator comes into play!

Click Here To Watch Chris Rowe’s FAST Money Method Presentation

This indicator tells us the 6-month performance of a stock… as of 30 days ago.

And if we compare that number to the stocks 6-month performance as of today, it can help us quickly and easily spot a potential entry point.

Four years ago, Chris Rowe decided to build a one-of-a-kind software platform that makes it even easier to get results using this F.A.S.T. Money Method.

And after four years of development – and millions of dollars of money invested – Chris Rowe finally created Sector Prophets.

The key to growing your money as fast as possible, is about picking one strategy – like the F.A.S.T. Money Method– and sticking with it.

And to do that, you need to invest in tools (and training) that help you save time, reduce stress, and make decisions.




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What Is Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets System?

Chris Rowe’s Sector Focus is an investment newsletter that is published each month by Chris Rowe and True Market Insiders.

Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets offers sophisticated tools used by successful money managers across the world to break down the True Markets.

Use the tool set in Sector Prophets to find the pockets of strength or to detect when a sector you may currently own is quietly weakening.

There’s too much in this tool package to list here, but when you sign up you’ll gain access to:

  • A website walk through
  • How-to tutorials on how to use each tool
  • A customizable position tracker that will follow any sectors you tell it to
  • Real time alerts that tell you whenever a market sector makes a significant move – up or down
  • You’ll be invited to live webinars where you can ask questions and strengthen your ability to use the tools effectively in your decision making process
  • A sector bell curve that shows you the risk level of each of the 41 U.S. sectors and 5 international markets.  This sector bell curve also gives you a snapshot of every sector’s current “supply/demand” dynamic.
  • A sector relative strength matrix that ranks each of the 41 sectors’ strength against each of the other sectors.
  • Internal indicators for each of the major market averages and for each of the 41 sectors.
  • The relative strength ranking history – so you can see if a sector, currently showing huge strength, has been showing that strength verses all other sectors for a long time or if it’s a new development.


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What’s Included With Your Subscription?

Here’s What You Get When You Sign Up For Your 1-Year Membership to Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets:

Daily Sector Prophets Power Alerts

This is the Holy Grail for Sector Traders! Each week, you’ll get SIX of Chris Rowe’s highest conviction trades… along with a basket of alerts designed to help you spot the fastest, easiest, biggest, and safest gains in the market today.

Weekly Sector Prophets Spotlight

Each week, you’ll also get in-depth reflection on one of the alerts Chris Rowe and his team gave during the week. This connects the dots between “Here’s a great trade to consider”, to “Here’s what happened with that trade and why”

24/7 Access to The Ultimate Sector Research Platform

Not only will you get all the alerts and all of Chris Rowe’s commentary… you’ll also get access to Chris Rowe’s entire research platform so you can find even more trade ideas.

The Sector Prophets Position Key

You can put in positions you actually hold to match Chris Rowe’s platform with your exact account, or put in hypotheticals so you can track positions freely. This lets you get more engaged with the sectors, it gets you accountable, and it gets you trading.


Extreme Value ReviewGOLD ALERT: Extraordinary Upside in ONE Stock (Not a Miner)

Analyst behind 20-plus triple-digit winners (as high as 628%) says this is the single best idea he’s EVER had. It’s NOT a miner, explorer, gold ETF… or anything you’ve likely heard of before. He sees 10 times long-term upside with far less risk. This might be the ONLY gold stock you need today.

See the full story here.

Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets Pricing

You can get 1 year Membership to Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets for $997 per 1 year (or $297 per quarter)

When you choose the “Annual” option, your subscription will automatically renew at $997 every year unless you cancel your subscription PRIOR to your renewal date.

If you choose the “Quarterly” option, your subscription will automatically renew at $297 every 90 days unless you cancel your subscription PRIOR to your renewal date.

Click Here To Get Chris Rowe’s Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets

Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets Refund Policy

Is there any refund policy in place?

Yes. Your Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets subscription comes with 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Take Sector Prophets for a two-month “test drive.” Watch the videos. Enjoy and learn from the weekly market analyses… Make some trades… And if within 60 days if you don’t think Sector Prophets is the most important “mission control” platform in your investing life…Give True Market Insiders team a call and they’ll issue a credit to your account. No questions asked!

Closing Remarks On Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets Review

If you’ve been burned by other financial newsletters before, I totally get it…

I’ve been in this industry for a decade and some of the stuff people say in their marketing is crazy.

But our subscribers love the results they’re getting with our adjustable strategy.

Here’s a letter from Andy D. who said…

“I have also been playing the market for a long time (stocks since 1961 and options since 2000) and have made and lost a lot of money during these 46 years. I have subscribed to dozens of financial newsletters during the past ten years, usually with poor results. I am happy to say that you have supplied a good percentage of winners with [Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets]. Since starting my subscription in November my portfolio is up 46%, a darn good return for only four months.

Keep up the good work.

Want to see results like Andy?

Go here and I’ll reveal the real reason you’re losing so much with the other guys and how Chris Rowe’s Sector Prophets investing strategy could help you turn $10k into $1.2 million.

Click Here To Watch Chris Rowe’s FAST Money Method Presentation

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