Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s Options Soup Review

Looking for more information about Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s Options Soup research? I’ve put an honest Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s Options Soup Review, containing everything you need to know about Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s Options Soup research.


#1 Investor Says: “America’s Tech Boom 2.0 Is Here”

Thanks to the rare convergence of three economic triggers, the clock is ticking down for a once in a lifetime wealth building opportunity.

Here’s how to play it.

Introduction To Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s Options Soup

Costas Bocelli and Chris Rowe have created The Options Soup – an educational masterpiece – to show you how easy and lucrative options can be…

…how easily you can start using them to strengthen your portfolio and grab your share of the historic profits that are headed your way…

…and to actually hold your hand as you get the “moneyball” rolling.

Not only have they been students of the markets, but they’ve also studied how people learn. Both Costas and Chris Rowe have been teaching people how to trade for more than a decade, and they are always testing and tweaking to find the most effective methods.

Costas Bocelli and Chris Rowe built Options Soup to make options a snap to understand and use.


A Massive Wave of Bankruptcies Is Coming

A major shock is coming to the U.S. financial system. Months of stock gains could go up in smoke. But there’s an easy way to make sure your money and prospective gains are LEGALLY PROTECTED. The last time something similar happened, you could have seen 772% gains.

A real reader explains how he does it, in plain English, right here.

Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s Options Soup – How It Works?

You’ll get instant access to a series of full-length video training lessons.

Costas breaks down all the details about how options really work… in plain English. Since this is the world’s friendliest options education, he starts at the very beginning to make sure everyone can “play along, regardless of previous experience.

You’ll learn what options are, the different components that make them up, and how they all work. But don’t worry. The lessons go from very basic – to extremely advanced strategies used by elite Wall Street traders.

Even if you’re already familiar with options, I can virtually guarantee you’ve never heard some of the tips and strategies Costas reveals.

To build on those lessons, you’ll also get in-depth, practical videos from Chris Rowe. He shows you how to actually USE what Costas showed you.

They start from scratch and build up from there.

In no time…

… you’ll master a small number of easy-to-execute trades…

… that professionals use to bank wins with minimal risk, stress or strain.

During these sessions, you’ll discover…

  • How Wall Street makes fortunes from the dark side of the stock market and how you can get in on the same kind of trades.
  • How billion-dollar hedge funds keep individual investors clueless…
  • And how to beat them at their own game.

You’ll see a simple defensive play to protect your portfolio…

… and potentially make extra gains while stocks are tumbling…

… and everyone else is losing their shirts.

They’ll show you a dangerous “dusk-to-dawn” pitfall that can wreak havoc with your profits.

The good news is: Options protect you from this trap.

How to pull cash out of a position WITHOUT having to exit turning your portfolio into an ATM machine.

How to get paid if your stock moves in two out of three possible directions.

This move doubles your profit odds.

You’ll discover option trades so safe and simple – you can use them in your retirement account.

Chris and Costas will let you in on something they call “The Home Field Effect.” This can mean the difference between banking a profit or booking a sizeable loss.

Again, the Options Soup format is designed to let you easily fully grasp key information and know how to apply it for your own trading.

After all…

The whole point is to use what you know to get where you want to go. None of what you’ll learn will go over your head. None of it will be too difficult for you to do on your own.

Best of all…

You won’t have to do it on your own.

You’ll have LIVE access to two of the best options traders and trainers in the world.


Veteran Trader Averages 30.07% Gain EVERY SINGLE MONTH?

Read more here...

Costas Bocelli has demolished the best investors alive with an average 30% gain every 30 days.

You can too. See how here.

In addition to the recorded video lessons, you’ll be invited to 3 live Q&A sessions…

Costas and Chris Rowe will walk you through everything. They will answer your questions along the way. And one more thing about Costas Bocelli…

He’s the only trader I know who always seems to be on a serious hot streak.

Just look at some of the big winners he’s recommended lately:

  • 125% on Facebook (in 7 days)…
  • 115% on Goldman Sachs (in 8 days)…
  • 100% on Analog Devices, Inc. (in 21 days)…
  • 147% on Cirrus Logic (in 48 days)…
  • 81% on ADBE (in 9 days)…
  • 97% on Caterpillar (in 5 days)…
  • 106% on Apple (in 38 days)…
  • 93% on LRCX (in 40 days)…
  • 70% on ATVI (in 10 days)…
  • 137% on FedEx (in 23 days).

20 of the last 21 trades Costas has recommended have all been winners.

Let’s look at Chris Rowe’s recommendations…

He recently showed his subscribers one options play that saw $2,613 become$14,044 — more than 5X the original investment.

Another one of his options trades has already turned $930 into $5,075 — a gain of 446%.

A third started at just $675 and was worth more than $5,200 months later – a gain of 776%.

These options trade ideas come from his Premium investing service.

I’ve blurred out the names of the stocks here….

But what’s important is: today those options trades are up on average more than 121% — 316% annualized.


And these are long-term oriented plays. Anyone who’s gotten in on those trades could be looking at gains close to 900% or more.

Imagine being able to find trades that for yourself!

That’s what you’ll get trained to do in Options Soup.


1,000X Bigger than Crypto? ($25 Gets You In)


LIVE ON CAMERA:The man who called #1 tech stocks of 2016, 2018, 2019 & 2020 based on return…

Reveals the details of a new tech set to grow:

  • 113X bigger than the Internet…
  • 600X bigger than 5G…
  • 2,000X BIGGER than Bitcoin

“This is the biggest investing moment in 400 years – and just $25 gets you in.”

Brown believes the rollout could be days away…

Watch Jeff’s presentation HERE before it’s too late.

What Is Options Soup-to-Nuts?

Beyond the Basics: The “4-Course Meal” for More Advanced Training

Now, if you’re a more advanced options trader or you’re a person who never does anything halfway, Options Soup may sound like a bit of an appetizer. Not enough to satisfy your refined financial palate.

If you’re interested in learning some of Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s most advanced strategies…

… Costas and Chris have a true smorgasbord for you.

You could call it Options Soup-to-Nuts.

As you know, Costas traded options on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. On that battlefield, you need an entire arsenal at your disposal. The same goes for Wall Street.

Chris Rowe was able to land hundreds of millions of dollars for his clients because he mastered several advanced strategies. They are moves that keep the cash flowing in every conceivable scenario.

And both Costas and Chris have taught these high-octane strategies to everyone from total beginners to seasoned professionals.

The advanced portion of Options Soup makes Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s favorite, time-tested winners available to you.

You’ll discover:

Costas’ secret “Duct Tape” options play. Use it to “repair” stock positions that have moved against you. Do this right and the option will pay you more than you lost on your stock!.

How to “time travel” to adjust the size of a position. You can add to it when it goes up and trim it back when it falls.

For example, Chris recently recommended an option on a well-known tech company.

This position has already paid out more than 100% of the initial outlay.

And he’s staying in the trade.


To keep pulling out profits for at least several more months.

Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli will introduce you to a favorite technique of Goldman Sachs and BlackRock.that lets you double, triple, even quadruple income from dividend stocks.

This move is so safe some public school pension funds have started using it.

And much, much more.

Options Soup is available today.

Options Soup Pricing

As of moment of writing two options are available:

1 Year Subscription – Options Soup  $1,197

  • Full-Length Lessons with Costas Bocelli
  • Select LIVE Practice Sessions and Q&A
  • 1 Full Year of 24/7 Access to ALL Future Live Trainings and Bonus Briefings
  • 1 Full Year of Access to the Options Soup Suite of Trading Tools
  • Real-Time Trades from Chris Rowe

LIFETIME Subscription – Options Soup  $1,497

  • Full-Length Lessons with Costas Bocelli
  • Select LIVE Practice Sessions and Q&A
  • LIFETIME 24/7 Access to ALL Future Live Trainings and Bonus Briefings
  • LIFETIME Access to the Options Soup Suite of Trading Tools
  • Real-Time Trades from Chris Rowe

Options Soup Refund Policy

You can simply call 855-822-0269 any time within 30 days of your purchase to withdraw from Options Soup. You can then apply 100% of your enrollment fee toward any other service, education program, or data program.


650 U.S. banks to offer Bitcoin?


It’s happening…

According to Nasdaq, “650 U.S. community banks can now offer crypto services.”

This comes hot on the heels of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs letting their clients buy Bitcoin.

Nowadays, it seems like everyone wants in on Bitcoin.

However, according to the man voted “#1 most trusted source” among crypto experts…

This is not the best investment to make today.

What he’s suggesting will come as a surprise to many. And could go up as much as 2,400% more.

Click here for his #1 recommendation.

Closing Remarks On Options Soup Review

Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s Options Soup gives you the foundation of a rock-solid options trading system.

In no time you’ll master a small number of the best, easiest-to-execute options trading strategies.

Each one is specifically targeted to help you reach your own personalized financial goals.

You’ll have step-by-step instructions on everything you need to demystify options trading and unlock the potential to:

  • Profit in the best AND worst of times – You aren’t locked into “winning” only when a stock goes up. Options unlock the potential to profit even when the market’s moving down or sideways.
  • Leverage what Costas Bocelli and Chris Rowe call the “duct tape” strategy – Ever wanted to fix a bad trade? Who hasn’t! This allows you to do so while potentially recovering beyond what you lost on a stock trade.
  • “Time travel” on trades – Another strategy they share allows you to “time travel” to adjust the size of positions that went south and add to your winners.
  • Plus, lock in BIGGER profit potential with less – You’ll see how traders who know what’s inside Options Soup have previously had the chance to make trades like owning 100 shares of Facebook for just $700 compared to $21,750 for stock trading.

And more…WITHOUT a ton of risk so you could 2X…5X…or even 10X the returns you’d otherwise see trading stocks.

You’ll even get an insider’s perspective on how Wall Street makes fortunes from the “dark side” of the stock market—and legally be able to profit off of their same methods.

Chris Rowe and Costas Bocelli’s goal in putting this together for you is simple:

To empower you with a way to trade and potentially profit BEYOND simple with trades that are…

So safe you could use them to grow and accelerate your retirement account!

Including real-time, real-life trade ideas from Chris Rowe.

These will be actionable trades you can get in on right away. No matter you investing goals, you’ll receive trades designed to help you meet them.

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