Charlie Shrem 5 Favorite A.I. Coins Exposed

Charlie Shrem has discovered five tiny altcoins — with the potential to soar as high as some of his previous recommendations… 200,000%… 64,600%… and even 13,461%. Continue reading to get the details.

Charlie Shrem: “The Crypto Melt-Up has Begun”

This crypto bull market is on the verge of a full-on panic. But not the kind that crashes prices. Instead, this appears to be a Melt-Up that drives Bitcoin and other cryptos into the stratosphere…

I’m talking about Bitcoin going to a million dollars…

And if history is any indicator, smaller cryptos that get swept up in the mania have a legitimate chance to turn a small grub stake into a million-dollar windfall. Before the whole thing folds like a house of cards.

Look, I know this may sound unbelievable, but historically, it’s happened 100% of the time in every asset bubble in history.

BEFORE there is a crash – there’s a panic-driven run up in prices. People who sat out will suddenly pour in, trying to latch onto the bull run.

The same thing is on the verge of happening in Bitcoin and other cryptos. If you understand how things will play out and position yourself ahead of time, you could significantly pad your nest egg.

To help you with that, crypto pioneer Charlie Shrem is stepping forward with a brand new presentation

Charlie Shrem has been called a “crypto visionary” and “Bitcoin royalty.”

He invested in Bitcoin when it was just $5…

Now, he’s a multi-millionaire…

Charlie’s been featured on the cover of Forbes and Bloomberg Businessweek. Profiled in Vice magazine and in a sit-down interview with 60 Minutes. He’s given a Ted Talk and been the keynote speaker at crypto events around the world. And it’s all because of his uncanny knack for spotting the most promising cryptocurrencies… long before anyone else.

Charlie made over 200,000% on Bitcoin. He spotted Steem at just a penny… And watched it soar 64,591%.

He’s had big winners like:

  • 13,748% on Cindicator…
  • 3,054% on Litecoin…
  • 1,938% on Augur…

Now, Charlie has a major announcement he wants to share. He believes the last crypto bull market has already begun. It could drive Bitcoin to $1 million. History shows that smaller altcoins could soar as high as 134X, 646X, or more.

Click here to find out which five coins Charlie thinks you should buy right now.

And pay close attention to what crypto legend Charlie Shrem has to say.

It could mean all the difference to your investment portfolio.

Wall Street Bitcoin ETFs: The Gateway to the Melt-Up

Right now, there’s over $6 trillion of potential investment money waiting on the sidelines. That means this bull market still has A LOT of room to run up before it comes close to crashing. And it’s just gotten the rocket fuel it needs.

Now, all of that stock market money can easily shift into crypto as the value rises.  You see, Bitcoin — and other cryptos — have finally gone mainstream.

On January 10th, the SEC approved the first-ever spot Bitcoin ETFs. 

Champagne was popped all across Wall Street as giant mainstream firms like BlackRock, Fidelity, Valkyrie, and more were all approved in one sweeping measure.

These are ETFs that hold actual Bitcoin, and track the price. And they’re offered by some of the biggest — and supposedly safest — Wall Street firms. For instance, BlackRock manages over $9 trillion.

Now, instead of going through complicated crypto exchanges — which can often be hacked… Most Americans can now choose to access Bitcoin through their brokerage account.

The boost in market participation could be a game changer.  These new ETFs could be like rocket fuel to asset prices, because it widens the money that funnels into the asset.

For example, the gold price soared 250% after its first ETF was created.  Silver launched its first ETF in 2007 and the price tripled.  Now the same exact thing is starting to happen to Bitcoin.

Sure enough, investors poured nearly $2 billion into these ETFs in the first three days of trading alone.

The Wall Street Journal says these Bitcoin ETFs will have an “electric effect” on the price of Bitcoin.

Mom and Pop investors have stayed out of crypto — until now.  It is far too complicated for the average investor to understand. The process of buying crypto is cumbersome.

You have to open a wallet, and then fund the wallet, which can take days.  Then you have to find an exchange you trust and pay a whole lot of fees that eat at your profits.

Now, firms who most Americans find familiar and trustworthy offer access to Bitcoin through one simple investment vehicle.

Nearly 1 in 5 American adults have their retirement account with Fidelity.  Over 45 million people…

BlackRock manages over $9 trillion. They’re the fattest cat on Wall Street. And those are just 2 of 11 different firms offering Bitcoin ETFs right now.

This ease in investing is revolutionary for crypto.

That’s why Charlie Shrem believes these Bitcoin ETFs will ultimately be the spark that starts a two-year Melt-Up in the price of cryptos.

The experts could be right.

98% of these coins could eventually crash for good.  But not before another raging bull market Melt-Up.

If this is the final bull market for crypto, it could be the most spectacular.

How to Invest In Charlie Shrem 5 Favorite A.I. Coins?

If you just buy Bitcoin, you’ll probably do fine. But according to Charlie Shrem, it’s the altcoins that can really change your financial life.

If you want to make the really big money in this crypto Melt-Up, you need to know a couple of things:

  1. The best altcoins to buy for maximum gains
  2. When to sell to avoid the crash.

To help you with both, Charlie Shrem just put together a brand new report called “My 5 Favorite A.I. Coins.”

Charlie Shrem 5 Favorite A.I. Coins

To get this report for FREE, you have to subscribe to Charlie Shrem’s Crypto Investor Network research.

What Is Crypto Investor Network?

Crypto Investor Network is where every month Charlie Shrem shares his research and insights for the crypto world.  Which projects are breaking out. And which coins could be headed for the moon.

Charlie and his team of analysts put together detailed reports on every coin they recommend. And they do it every single month in the Crypto Investor Network.

When you sign up today, you’ll receive 12 months of Charlie Shrem’s crypto recommendations.

Plus, he’ll immediately rush you a copy of “My 5 Favorite A.I. Coins. ”

How to Get Out Before the Crash – Early Warning System?

Charlie Shrem and his team have partnered up with a company who makes some of the most powerful trading software out there. Their proprietary algorithm for tracking cryptos is based on Nobel Prize-winning research and evaluates over 3,000 data points to determine the future direction of a crypto.

You can consider this your Early Warning System. It’s called Crypto by TradeSmith and you can use it on your laptop. Or even get it as an app on your phone.  It uses a simple, red/yellow/green color-coded system to help you see which cryptos are in the buy zone and which you should sell, or avoid.

You’ll get custom email and text alerts just for you, so you know exactly when your cryptos change into the red.  You could save thousands in hard-earned gains by getting out early.

You’ll even be able to track the Crypto Investor Network model portfolio right next to your own.

The Crypto by TradeSmith software can help you see, at a glance, how volatile your holdings are…  You can even see how adding a new crypto would impact your portfolio — before you buy it.

And on top of Charlie Shrem’s weekly advice, you’ll have all the data you need to make your own decisions on when to buy and sell your cryptos.

Access to the Crypto by TradeSmith Plus software is your Early Warning System. And you’ll get access to this software — for FREE — when you join Charlie Shrem’s Crypto Investor Network.

What Do You Get With Crypto Investor Network Membership?

Here’s everything you get when you become a Crypto Investor Network member.

  • Charlie Shrem’s 5 Favorite A.I. Coins. Charlie Shrem believes crypto is the currency of A.I. And there are a few blockchain projects tied to A.I. that could soar during the Melt-Up. Charlie Shrem named his five favorites in this report.
  • 12 Months of Weekly Alerts. Charlie Shrem is going to share what he learn — including the best up-and-coming coins — with you every week in the Crypto Investor Network. These weekly updates come packed with information on the latest coins, thoughts on the market, guest appearances, and more.
  • Anytime Alerts on All of Our Holdings. If any of the cryptos in Crypto Investor Network portfolio have an urgent update, Charlie Shrem and his team of analysts will share it with you immediately, and give you his take on the situation. Including whether he thinks it’s time to buy more… or sell.
  • Free access to Crypto by TradeSmith Plus Early Warning Software. This proprietary algorithm can predict the movement of cryptos ahead of time with 90% accuracy. It will send you alerts as soon as something’s changed with your holdings, so you can get out of the Melt-Up before the crash. Typically valued at $588, it’s yours free with Crypto Investor Network membership.
  • BONUS REPORT: Altcoin Investing for Beginners. Whether you’re new to altcoins, or need an occasional refresh, Charlie Shrem ahd his team have put together a comprehensive guide. They will walk you through how to buy and sell cryptos, how to set up a Coinbase account, how an exchange works, where to store your crypto safely, how to avoid hacks and scams and more… The guide is yours as a membership bonus.
  • U.S.-Based Customer Success Team. You’ll get a dedicated line to Charlie Shrem’s Customer Success team, who can walk you through the details on certain coins or how to open your wallet.

All of these valuable resources are yours when you subscribe.

Crypto Investor Network

Crypto Investor Network Subscription Fee

By signing up today, you’ll also get 75% OFF the regular price for one year of Crypto Investor Network. (Typically $199, now just $49).

Crypto Investor Network Refund Policy

All subscribers are eligible for a full refund at any time during the next 60 days.

Please, take the next two months to try out the Crypto Investor Network and see if its right for you. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply call Charlie Shrem’s customer service team and they’ll give you a full refund.

Bottom Line: Should You Invest in Charlie Shrem 5 Favorite A.I. Coins?

Crypto pioneer Charlie Shrem has an uncanny knack for spotting the biggest winners…

Long before anyone else.

He was one of the original Bitcoin millionaires, buying at $20. It’s up 200,000% since.

He got into Steem when it was just a penny and watched it soar 64,600%.

Now, he says that there’s over $6 trillion in potential investment money waiting on the sidelines. That means this crypto bull market has a lot more room to run before it comes close to being a bubble.

And he found five exciting new coins that could be the biggest winners.

Each of these coins combines crypto and the hottest technology in the world: artificial intelligence. And as more people push into tech and cryptos, these coins could see exponentially higher gains than Bitcoin.

Click here if you’d like to learn more about these five cryptos and the best way to play this rising bull market.

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