Chaikin Power Gauge Investor Review (I Joined!)

Does Chaikin Power Gauge Investor deliver? We’re putting this service to the test in our Chaikin Power Gauge Investor Review to find out.

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Marc Chaikin’s Prediction and Warning 2024

Do you feel the market tremor? Marc Chaikin issued a severe warning.

We are about to witness a major financial shakeup. It could cause devastating losses for some investors. Let’s see how Chaikin Power Gauge Investor can help you to prepare immediately.

Marc may be familiar to you from his numerous appearances on Fox Business and CNBC over the years.

Marc Chaikin’s Prediction and Warning 2022

Chances are you are one of the 500,000 people across the world who follow his consistently accurate market analyses and predictions.

And today, he’s stepping forward for the first time this year to give you the single most comprehensive stock market roadmap he’s ever shared.

In Marc Chaikin’s Prediction and Warning (2024) presentation, Marc Chaikin is going on camera to talk about what is going on, what will be the result for the stock market, and the specific steps you should take with your money right now to put your portfolio in the best possible position.

Here, in our Chaikin Power Gauge Investor Review – you can read about the essentials from this presentation along with the name and the ticker of a stock that could soon dominate financial news headlines.

What Is Marc Chaikin’s 4-year Election Indicator?

Marc Chaikin’s “secret” to calling last year’s surprising bull market… and isolating those extraordinary top stocks… is something called The Election Indicator.

And today, Marc used it all over again to isolate the exact stocks he predicts will soar through the end of this election year… and the exact stocks that could come crashing straight down…

All as a result of a big election year event coming to the U.S. stock market in just the next few weeks.

This indicator uses nearly 100 years of financial data…

To reveal to us the exact opportunities to take advantage of… and threats to avoid…

In every single year of the 4-year election cycle…

Including election years themselves – just like 2024.

Because it tells us that a big market event has a 90% chance of hitting U.S. stocks, very soon.

In fact, it could hit as little as two weeks following Super Tuesday.

How The Election Indicator Works?

The election indicator simply refers to the very specific way history has shown U.S. stocks to move – up or down – in each year of the 4-year election cycle.

The first year in that cycle is the post-election year, the year following presidential elections.

Per the indicator, post-election years have been solid years for stocks, especially during Marc Chaikin’s tenure on Wall Street. 8 of the last 9 post-election years have ended the year UP.

We saw this happen in real time during the last post-election year in 2021.

After President Biden was elected, we saw stocks jump nearly 28%.

Now remember, the outcome of the election itself doesn’t matter.

This outperformance had nothing to do with Biden’s policies or platforms.

You can think of the indicator as bipartisan. It isn’t emotional about who wins, and who loses.

Instead it factors in nearly a century of data to spit out the only outcome that really matters to your money – that 2021 would likely be a strong year for stocks.

And Marc Chaikin and his team at Chaikin Analytics  were prepared to take advantage of it in the Power Gauge.

Marc Chaikin Power Gauge system flashed buy on 9 of the top 10 stocks of 2021.

Well, up next is the second year of the 4-year election cycle: midterm election years.

And here’s where things go wrong for stocks.

The election indicator tells us that midterm election years are historically the WORST years of them all in the U.S. stock market.

Thanks to the indicator and The Power Gauge, Marc Chaikin went into 2022 knowing that there was a 65% chance of a bear market before the year was through.

So when he saw the crash starting to take shape in the Power Gauge…

I had to get that warning out there to his followers.

And sure enough, less than 90 days later, stocks fell into their first official bear market since the Covid crash.

$9 trillion of American wealth were wiped out in mere months.

So Marc Chaikin’s midterm year warning could have saved people a LOT of heartache, if they acted on it.

When you know what the election indicator foretells for any given year, you can see these big shifts coming.

And when you add in the Power Gauge – you can ALWAYS find chances to profit, even in a bear market.

That’s exactly what happened in 2022.

And the Power Gauge signaled a huge opportunity in energy stocks right here, in March 2022, before the entire sector soared 20%.

Power Gauge system also issued bullish ratings for all 10 of the top 10 stocks of 2022.

What went down as a terrible year for the majority of investors… could have been an immensely profitable year for your Power Gauge users.

There’s really no such thing as a “losing” year if you: A) understand what’s coming to the U.S. stock market, per the election indicator…

And B) know exactly which stocks to buy and avoid, in the Power Gauge.

That brings us back to 2023. Which, we all know how well that went in the Power Gauge.

As we just saw, pre-election years are notorious for delivering big bull market gains, no matter WHAT is plaguing the overall economy.

And that’s because of something called the pre-election year “Sweet Spot.”

This “sweet spot,” is part of the election indicator too.

Here’s what it looks like…

  • As we discussed, stocks make an important low in the midterm election year…
  • Then they quickly PIVOT heading into the pre-election year…
  • And go on to soar 40% or more!

The Power Gauge flashed BUY on 9 of the top 10 stocks of the year.

Consider that even the biggest bank failures since 2008 couldn’t stop the pre-election year “sweet spot.”

And no external forces… no black swan event… war overseas… recession… or unexpected presidential outcome…

Can stop what’s coming this year.

Bottom line:

The election indicator is Marc Chaikin’s secret compass for predicting every twist and turn in the U.S. stock market, in advance.

And the Power Gauge shows us what and when to buy, helping us to isolate at least 9 out of the 10 top stocks of the year, every single year of the past election cycle.

So what does Power Gauge tell us to expect for the rest of 2024?

Marc Chaikin has a clear, very straightforward way for you to position yourself to see extraordinary potential profits this year.

Remember, if you follow this exact blueprint, Marc says:

“I predict 2024 could go down as the best investing year of your life, to date.”

Here’s why:

Per the election indicator, election years typically see a surge of volatility around the earlier primaries. Often surrounding Super Tuesday itself.

We’ve seen this play out in real time. Volatility has spiked in recent weeks.

Which is why Marc Chaikin is issuing his specific buy and sell recommendations for 2024 NOW.

So you can skip the drama and still be positioned in time for the big market event that comes next:

The election year pivot.

This is THE single most important part of today’s Marc Chaikin prediction.

Because it doesn’t matter who emerges victorious during the primaries.

It doesn’t matter what the polls say.

In every election year for the past nearly 100 years, we see a shift occur:

The volatility surrounding Super Tuesday fades away…

And the real gains begin.

Using the election indicator and the election year pivot plus the Power Gauge forecast, Marc Chaikin just released two brand-new special reports that tell you exactly what stocks to buy, and exactly what stocks to avoid, starting now.

You can get these reports for FREE when you subscribe to Chaikin’s top-tier research service called The Chaikin Power Gauge Investor.

Chaikin Power Gauge Investor – How It Works?

This is Marc Chaikin’s complete blueprint for election year 2024. Your one-stop shop to know exactly what to do with your money ahead of the presidential election.

The Chaikin Power Gauge Investor is the only place where Chaikin is using the election indicator to issue formal recommendations of what to buy and what to avoid. It is the only place he is planning to track the rest of the election year.

If you are looking for smaller, lesser-known stocks with highest possible potential then Chaikin Power Gauge Investor is exactly what you need.

How much is Chaikin Power Gauge Investor?

With its highest-level of work, the Power Gauge Investor doesn’t come cheap. One full year typically costs $5,000.

As stated in presentation, Marc wants to introduce his audience to a new way of looking at the markets that before was essentially “off-limits” to regular investors.

When you sign up right now, Marc’s knocking 50% OFF the regular price for short period of time.

For just $2,500, you will gain access to new recommendations, handpicked by Marc Chaikin.

But that’s not all.

This is an extraordinary offer for an extraordinary moment in the markets.

What is included in the Chaikin Power Gauge Investor?

Chaikin Power Gauge Investor

If you join right now, you will receive FREE BONUSES, research, and recommendations worth over $11,000. Here is a list of everything included:

  • 50% OFF one year of Power Gauge Investor – This is your chance to get all of the smaller, lesser-known recommendations you need to protect yourself and potentially double your money off the hidden opportunities that Marc’s just detected for the rest of 2024.
  • One year of FREE access to an advanced version of the system Power Gauge Analytics. It usually costs $5,000 a year. Use this link to receive an all-access pass to the system. Marc Chaikin consider this the culmination of his life’s work. The way it works is you type any ticker into the system, and immediately know its rating (Bullish, Bearish, or Neutral). This is how you will know whether any stock you own is a buy, sell, or hold.

As part of it you will get instant access to the Screener Tool. This is the place where you can screen and narrow down the most Bullish stocks in the market, based on the essentials and technical factors you are interested in.

For example, you can prioritize based on Bullish stocks with the greatest earnings, or highest dividends, or the smallest/largest market caps.

You will also get access to the Workspace Tool where you will find the complete history of any stock you are considering.

With few clicks, you can track all your current holdings and Marc’s new recommendations in Power Gauge Analytics. Better set up alerts, so you will automatically know how these stocks are rated.

  • One FREE year of The Discovery Engine Tool.

Access to the Chaikin Discovery Engine

This unique system is based on the technology pioneered by Netflix. You know how Netflix recommend similar movies to the ones you’ve watched? Marc and his team applied the same idea and named it Discovery Engine.

It is brilliantly simple to work with. Type in any winning stock and you will see a list of similar stocks with the same potential to skyrocket. This system can be used also to weed out the most dangerous stocks in the market.

We love this feature because it is easy to use, and you get to see companies you’d never otherwise hear about.

  • Access to the Chaikin 2024 Top Ten Report

Chaikin 2024 Top Ten Report

Marc used his system to hand-pick what he believes will be the top 10 best performing stocks in the market this year. Remember, his system found 9 out of 10 of the best performers every year going back to the 2016 election year. And following Marc’s Top Ten Report was the single best-performing strategy at Chaikin Analytics last year.

  • Access to the Chaikin 2024 Bottom Ten Report

Chaikin 2024 Bottom Ten Report

Marc personally selected the 10 stocks he thinks are headed for big losses in the election year. Chances are, you may be holding one or more in your portfolio right now. This report alone could cover the price of your membership many, many times over.

  • A FULL YEAR of Marc Chaikin’s Market Insights Newsletter

Marc Chaikin’s Market Insights Newsletter

As an added bonus, you’ll immediately unlock Marc’s monthly briefing where he cuts through the noise and explains what headlines and numbers are ACTUALLY important to pay attention to in the financial markets each month.

  • Special Election Year Market Coverage from Chaikin

Special Election Year Market Coverage from Chaikin

As often as once a quarter, the Chaikin Analytics team will provide you with brief updates on the upcoming presidential election – and its short-term effect on U.S. stocks.

You’ll always have the most up-to-date information on the election indicator and its impact on our strategy.

  • Access to Marc’s library of special reports, monthly issues, and videos.

Marc’s library of special reports, monthly issues, and videos

As an added bonus, you’ll immediately unlock Marc’s entire library of special reports, monthly issues, daily insights, and how-to videos. It’s a wealth of knowledge from a Wall Street legend, at your fingertips.

  • Mystery Gift

An exclusive mystery gift from Marc Chaikin and his team

An exclusive mystery gift from Marc Chaikin and his team, valued at an additional $2,500. But you’ll receive it 100% FREE when you act now.

Chaikin Power Gauge Investor Refund Policy

You see with this offer you are getting everything Marc Chaikin currently publish for only half of the subscription of one year. It is generous offer but keep in mind there are NO CASH REFUNDS.

If you are not 100% happy with it, contact their team within 30 days for full Chaikin credit refund. This means you can apply the money to any of their current or future products.

Bottom Line: Should You Join Chaikin Power Gauge Investor?

So here’s the bottom line…

It’s a lesson we’ve learned in the Power Gauge every single year since the 2016 election.

If you want the chance to make any money in the stock market from this moment forward…

You must move your money OUT of the wrong stocks.

And INTO the right stocks. Right now.

Otherwise, you’re in for a very rough election year.

Whether you’re able to buy the best stocks, and avoid the worst stocks…

Will decide your wealth in 2024, and likely for years to come.

So it’s clear that the Power Gauge has identified the best stocks of the year… every single year… since 2016.

It’s also clear that, historically speaking, NOW is the best time to buy the top stocks of the 2024 election year…

The bottom line is that Marc Chaikin and his team know where the market is headed next. They claim to know the exact stocks to avoid, and the exact stocks to buy.

Looks like the way forward is clear.

We hope that with this review we were able to help you make the decision. Just keep in mind to claim all the FREE bonuses in this offer, you need to act now, while they are still available.

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