Bryan Bottarelli’s 940 Million Unclaimed Checks: Trade of the Day Plus Review

Bryan Bottarelli just published his latest presentation called: 940 Million Unclaimed Checks, where he talks about a massive pile of unclaimed checks. He claims that he has a way to help people find out whether they are eligible for them. Read below to find out how to collect your money, if you’re eligible for.

Watch Bryan Bottarelli’s Presentation: “940 Million Unclaimed Checks”

Who is Bryan Bottarelli?

Graduating with a business degree from the highly rated Indiana University Kelley School of Business, Bryan got his first job out of college trading stock options on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). There he was mentored by one of the country’s top floor traders in the heart of the technology boom from 1999 to 2000 – trading in the crowded and lively Apple computer pit. Standing alongside the pit’s top Apple trader – and executing his trades in real time – is where Bryan learned to identify and implement some of his most powerful trading secrets… secrets that rarely make their way outside the CBOE to individual traders.

Recognizing the true value of these methods, Bryan tapped into his entrepreneurial spirit to take a risk. He walked off the CBOE floor and launched his own independent trading advisory service called Bottarelli Research. From February 2006 to December 2018, Bryan gave his precise trading instructions to a small, elite group of high-level traders – most of whom joined him on day one and were clients ever since.

As a so-called “play tactician,” Bryan used his hands-on knowledge of floor trading to shape opportunities and chart formations into elegant, powerful and profitable recommendations. And by using the same hedging techniques taught by professional floor traders, Bryan was able to deliver his clients remarkable gains while strictly limiting their total risk.

Along the way, Bryan developed a cumulative track record that could impress even the most successful hedge fund manager – it covered a total of 5,727 trades, averaged 13.97% per trade and amassed total gains in excess of 80,005.91%.

Bryan’s top pick was Taser International, which he recommended at $4 a share and later sold for $63 – a 1,400% gain.

He now spends his days moderating one of the most elite trading forums ever created, The War Room.


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Bryan Bottarelli’s 940 Million Unclaimed Checks – What is It?

Bryan Bottarelli just published his latest presentation called: 940 Million Unclaimed Checks, where he talks about a massive pile of unclaimed checks. He claims that he has a way to help people find out whether they are eligible for them.

Bryan Bottarelli says that every citizen should check whether they are eligible for the unclaimed checks. So, if you are an American and you would like know whether you are entitled to one or a few of them, he has a mechanism that enables you to find that out.

His method includes 3 steps:

  1. Search for your name on the lists of 940 million Unclaimed Checks
  2. Complete one page on the government website to confirm your ID
  3. Collect your check(s) as early as one week later

Bryan Bottarelli says that some people who have been entitled to checks have received them as quickly as within one week.

So, where does this money come from?

Regarding Bryan Bottarelli – money comes from things like insurance benefits, bill over-payments, tax refunds, utility refunds that you or a deceased close relative may have failed to claim for whatever reason. Therefore, by claiming that money, you are merely being given what is rightfully yours.


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How To Collect Your Money?

The first step is to find out whether your name is on the list. To find that out, you need to get your hands on a guide called The Big Book of Missing Money. It was written by Mary Pitman who is said to have helped many people check whether the government owes them money.

The book has tips and useful information on how the process of collecting unclaimed money from the government works.

Bryan will be sending free copies of that book to people who subscribe to his newsletter, Trade of the Day Plus.

What’s included with Your Trade of the Day Plus Subscription?

The minute you join, you’ll get all of this risk-free:

  • A physical copy of Mary Pitman’s THE BIG BOOK OF MISSING MONEY
  • Trade of the Day, with Bryan Bottarelli’s best trade recommendation every day the market is open.
  • Full access to Bryan Bottarelli’s “best of the best” money-growth newsletter: Trade of the Day Plus! Every Wednesday after the market closes, Bryan Bottarelli will send you a new pick via a fun and informative video.
  • Daily updates: As a member, you’ll receive daily updates on every piece of important market news and any of the opportunities Bryan Bottarelli may recommend.
  • Exclusive members-only access: Immediate access to all of Bryan Bottarelli’s special reports, most of which contain opportunities you can take advantage of right away.




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Bryan Bottarelli’s Trade of the Day Plus Pricing

Premium Subscription – $79

Your Premium Subscription includes the FULL collection of bonuses…

  • The Big Book of Missing Money (print version)
  • Full-year trial in Trade of the Day Plus (100% risk-free)
  • Bryan Bottarelli’s ultimate trader’s manual, 5 Secret Trading Strategies to Win Every Day in the Market


  • INSTANT DOWNLOAD: Instant access to The Big Book of Missing Money so you can start looking for your Unclaimed Checks in the next 30 seconds!
  • BONUS VIDEO: How to Make Up to $3,700% With the Legged Spread ($199 Value)
  • BONUS VIDEO: Wall Street’s Most Treasured Secrets… UNCOVERED! (Eight-Part Video Series)
  • BONUS REPORT: “Options for Dummies 101

Standard Subscription –  $129

Includes a digital (via email and website) subscription to Trade of the Day Plus.

Basic Subscription –  $59 ($79/Year After)

Your Basic Subscription will include a print copy of The Big Book of Missing Money… Bryan Bottarelli’s 5 Secret Trading Strategies report… and a one-year subscription to Trade of the Day Plus –RISK-FREE!


“Penny Trade” Pays Warren Buffett as Much as an Extraordinary 4,429%?


“Penny Trades” are cheap and explosive…

Warren Buffett grabbed 46 million of them for 1¢ a pop.

Right now, he’s up as much as a rare 4,429% on this trade.

But “Penny Trades” aren’t reserved for billionaires like Buffett.

Thanks to SEC loophole 30.52, you can play them in your brokerage account.

  • One of these “Penny Trades” shot up 183% in one day…
  • Penny Trades can pay far MORE than stocks…
  • Our readers just saw a 19¢ trade shoot up as much as a rare 5,100%…

Here’s the No. 1 “Penny Trade” for RIGHT NOW

Bryan Bottarelli’s Trade of the Day Plus Refund Policy


  • 100% Missing-Money Guarantee – If you use THE BIG BOOK OF MISSING MONEY and can’t find your name among the 940 MILLION Unclaimed Checks held by the government, let Bryan Bottarelli’s team know and they’ll send you a full refund immediately. You’ll never know until you look…
  • ONE-YEAR Risk-Free Guarantee – If for ANY REASON you change your mind about using Trade of the Day Plus to grow your money in the first year of your membership, let Bryan Bottarelli’s team know and they’ll send you a full refund immediately.

Watch Bryan Bottarelli’s Presentation: “940 Million Unclaimed Checks”

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