Andrew Zatlin FedNow and CBDC Review: Moneyball’s Sector Alpha Report

Andrew Zatlin has launched a new advertising campaign for his Moneyball’s Sector Alpha Report which centers around an investment opportunity connected to both FedNow and America’s recent central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Andrew Zatlin FedNow and CBDC – Watch the presentation here

Andrew Zatlin from Moneyball Economics is expecting a major event to happen this year. It has a huge potential for early investors. If you did not watch his presentation, here you will find the main details.

In 1971 Mr. Nixon unpegged the U.S. dollar from gold. Since then, Feds are printing dollars into the American (and global) economy. Currently $19.9 Trillion U.S. dollars are in circulation. Compare this number with $215 Billion in circulation back in 1971.

By killing the gold standard, Mr. Nixon hatched an entire generation of gold millionaires. Because the price of gold doubled 46 times over.

Now, 52 years later The Federal Reserve will rock the world again by digitizing the entire American economy.

This action:

  • Will kill the existing banking system.
  • Will kill the existing payroll system.
  • Will kill the U.S. dollar.

Andrew Zatlin FedNow and CBDC: Will history repeat itself for investors?

Let’s think about this…

Timeline 1971: Nixon’s actions immediately led to an increase in gold prices by flooding the system with a limitless supply of physical dollars, creating an entire generation of gold millionaires.

Timeline 2023: FedNow will directly lead to a digital-dollar boom by flooding the economy with an infinite amount of digital money… As a result, an entire generation of digital-dollar millionaires will be hatched.

Because of FedNow, the price of certain digital-dollar securities could go up over 200 times.


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Click here to watch (includes free recommendation).

How To Create Hyperbolic Profits?

Any targeted killing of an old product (for example, paper currencies) in favor of a dramatically improved one (for example, digital currencies) tends to generate excessive profits.

Perfect example is when Amazon destroyed Sears and other brick-and-mortar retailers… Or when the iPhone crushed BlackBerrys, cellphones, and flip phones…

This process is known as “creative destruction,” or strategically destroying a tired product, ending an old business model and starting a new, better one.

Now you are probably wondering what technological breakthrough gives FedNow the power to destroy the banking system, payroll system, and the paper dollar.

It is called atomic settlement.

What is Atomic Settlement?

This is the process by which a financial transaction between two parties “settles” simultaneously in real time digital network.

The current financial system in the United States is over 40 years old… It uses the archaic clearinghouse model… and deals typically take three days to settle.

As a result, given that FedNow has the potential to disrupt every US bank… every US payroll deposit… and every US currency in circulation, FedNow will have an influence on the life of almost every American citizen over the age of 18.

To reflect such far-reaching, societal-wide circumstances, FedNow’s profit predictions must be raised — dramatically.

Zatlin’s prediction is that you could turn a $225 investment into $59,890 on the bottom end, and turn a $1,350 investment into a $359,339 high-end profit.

What Is FedNow’s Massive Investment Opportunity?

FedNow is a Prelude to FedCoin. FedNow is not a central bank digital currency (CBDC). It provides the real-time “rails” that a CBDC must operate on.You can’t have a US-backed CBDC — also known as “FedCoin” — unless you first have FedNow, as the two are inextricably linked.

A U.S.-backed CBDC (FedCoin) must run on a real-time network — one that can process upwards of 1.7 million transactions per second, with 99% of all transactions “settling” in under a second.

Since the impact of FedNow on the financial system is extremely predictable, FedNow’s investment gains can be forecasted with significantly better precision.

Andrew Zatlin is keeping track of a small-cap company trading on the Nasdaq for $2.25. Its price does not reflect the enormous value of FedNow. Zatlin’s research suggests that shares have a 26,518% upside move ahead.

Of course, this is not guaranteed. Several factors had to be present in the case of FedNow before Zatlin will considers it a game-changing investment opportunity.

Zatlin’s Five Catalysts

These are the five catalysts that underpin his FedNow investment thesis.

Catalyst #1: FedNow marks the end of Crypto

The world’s most influential Central Banks have been studying cryptos for the last decade.

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) recently issued a warning to cryptocurrency developers, saying “if digital currencies are needed, central banks should be the ones to issue them.”

Zatlin gives an explanation exactly what these words mean: “Central bankers intend to kill cryptocurrencies.” The reason is because cryptocurrencies exist outside of the control of government bureaucracy.

Development of a U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC) — a.k.a. FedCoin — has already begun. To launch a digital dollar, the Fed needs a banking platform upon which transactions can settle instantaneously.

Catalyst #2: FedNow Preserves America’s #1 Status

In 1890, the size of America’s economy surpassed that of England, bringing the country to the top of the world. World War II helped to cement the United States’ position as the world’s leading superpower.

China’s economy is expected to surpass the size of the U.S. economy by 2030…

People’s Bank of China has already relaunched the yuan as a digital currency, meaning China has out innovated the United States.

China’s yuan (e-CNY) recently topped $100 billion in digital transactions.

To preserve America’s status as the world’s #1 superpower, FedNow isn’t simply important –

FedNow is an imperative!

Catalyst #3: FedNow will Supercharge the Economy

By removing the three-day period typically required for cash deposits to become available FedNow is set to unleash an additional $2.7 trillion through the U.S. economy every year.

Catalyst #4: FedNow Reduces Default Risk

Because of such poor economic conditions, 63% of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck, which is fiscally unsustainable. When unexpected expenses arise, these same individuals feel forced to dip into their savings or go into debt.

FedNow eliminates the “float,” or the two-day period it takes for deposited funds to settle in a bank account, giving Main Street Americans rapid access to their hard-earned money, which can reduce their reliance on credit cards.

Real-time transactions significantly reduce the possibility of overdraft and late fees.

Catalyst #5: FedNow Gives Money and On/Off Switch

The Federal Reserve’s “economic digitization” mandate is simply the latest means of gaining more power and influence over our lives. And Zatlin gives some very good examples:

Haven’t taken your fifteenth COVID booster shot yet?

Sorry, we’re switching your money off until you get that shot.

Want to donate money to your church?

Sorry, we’re switching your money off until your church supports abortion.

Trying to buy a book that criticizes the government?

Sorry, we’re switching your money off until you choose better books.

Being a well-known economist for over 30 years, Zatlin confirms that he has seen the power of creative destruction hundreds of times. Here are few words about him and his career.


Coming Soon: New Fed Control of Your Money

Weiss Ratings Safe Money Report: Fed’s Shocking New Plan to Control Your Money

This is much worse than the Fed’s abuses of power we’ve seen so far, like manipulating interest rates or printing trillions of paper dollars.

Now, beyond the Fed’s broad power to control money in the economy, it will have the targeted power to control money in your individual account.

Watch this video to take immediate protective action.

Who Is Andrew Zatlin?

Andrew obtained his MBA from the University of California, Berkeley after studying economics as a Research Fellow at Kyoto University.

He started his career as an independent economic forecaster, designing predictive models to assist institutional clients — some of the world’s most successful banks and hedge funds — in staying ahead of the markets.

Not only have he has been quite successful in this forecasting position, but his exclusive job data is also now among the most sought-after on Wall Street.

The Wall Street Journal linked Zatlin’s work to the movie Moneyball with Brat Pit: “Moneyball of Economics: How Andrew Zatlin is knocking it out of the park.

On the strength of such favorable media coverage, he decided to launch Moneyball Economics, where he is able to help ordinary people grow their wealth through financial markets.

Moneyball Economics has already more than 43,000 readers.

Read further to learn how exactly Zatlin sees the rolling-out the FedNow.

Three Phases of implementing FedNow

The Federal Reserve is rolling out FedNow in three stages in collaboration with its banking partners, which include financial behemoths such as American Express, Bank of New York Mellon, Capital One, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo…

FedNow PHASE #1: Preparation and Readiness

This phase ensures that financial institutions are ready for FedNow to “go live” in mid-2023.

Circle July 1 on your calendar!

FedNow PHASE #2: Testing

Before a large-scale nationwide rollout, the testing phase will discover and resolve every “friction point” in FedNow’s real-time settlement technology.

FedNow PHASE #3: National Rollout

Upon FedNow’s national rollout in mid 2023 Americans will be able to send/receive funds from our bank accounts 24/7/365 without any transactional delays. “That’s completely revolutionary in payments,” says FedNow’s chief executive.

FedNow is expected to unleash an additional $2.7 trillion into the US economy each year by (finally) eliminating the outdated “bank float” — the three-day wait generally required for cash deposits to clear.

Zatlin talks in detail about this change because he wants to make sure that you’re ready to profit.

He believes that now is the time to invest alongside FedNow. All details can be found in his brand-new report called The FedNow Profit Report.

The FedNow Profit Report

Inside you’ll get Zatlin’s full analysis of this moneymaking opportunity, along with his #1 stock for playing the FedNow revolution. It’s a small-cap company trading for $2.25. His “Moneyball Economics” system values each share above $500.

This report is yours FOR FREE by simply taking a 30-day test drive of Zatlin’s flagship newsletter Moneyball’s Sector Alpha Report.

What is “Moneyball Economics” system?

His is the system that helped Zatlin become Bloomberg’s #1 economic forecaster. It relies on predictive models that can gauge a sector’s hotness/coldness with shocking accuracy.

It includes every urgent detail in a companion report called “The Secret to Sector Alpha Profits,” and it’s yours when you agree to take Moneyball’s Sector Alpha Report for a 30-day test.

The Secret to Sector Alpha Profits

Grab this opportunity and you’ll be positioned alongside the biggest act of creative disruption in history — FedNow — while also being mindful of the sector in which you’re investing.

How much does it cost to join Moneyball’s Sector Alpha Report?

The published price of a one-year membership is $299.

For short time Zatlin is cutting the price by 67%. Meaning you’ll pay just $99 for a one-year membership to Moneyball’s Sector Alpha Report.

This is their best offer. It includes for a 12-month digital subscription + The FedNow Profit Report + 2 bonus reports + 1-year free of Louis Navellier’s Growth Investor!

Premium offer is $99 for a 12-month digital subscription + The FedNow Profit Report + 1 bonus report + 1-year free of Louis Navellier’s Growth Investor!

Basic offer is $49 for a 12-month digital subscription + The FedNow Profit Report + 1-year free of Louis Navellier’s Growth Investor!

No matter which one you will try for the next 30 days, if you are not a fan of Zatlin’s research you will get your money back.

What to expect from Moneyball’s Sector Alpha Report?

Expect to receive at least 15 to 21 trade recommendations over the term of your subscription.

Zatlin’s promise is that each recommended trade has the potential to yield massive gains.

You will receive the following membership benefits:

  • 12 monthly issues each containing a brand-new stock suggestion.
  • Complete access to his MODEL PORTFOLIO, which is made up entirely of firms that 1) trade on major stock exchanges, 2) have enough trading volume to fill buy/sell orders, and 3) provide investors the possibility for outsized returns.
  • You’ll get E-MAIL UPDATES whenever news breaks that impacts any of the companies in their model portfolio.
  • MAIN REPORT: The FedNow Profits Report, which offers Zatlin’s number one strategy for profiting from the Federal Reserve’s historic act of creative destruction
  • BONUS REPORT #1: The Secret to Sector Alpha Profits. Inside the pages of this highly specialized report, you’ll find every detail behind Zatlin’s proprietary “sector rotation” strategy.
  • BONUS REPORT #2: The ‘1,000% Backdoor’ Play Into the Digital Dollar. FedNow’s goal is to eliminate the US dollar as a paper currency. Meanwhile, the CBDC revolution is taking place in nearly every country of any economic significance. This research ensures that you are well-positioned for maximum profits.
  • FREE one-year subscription to Louis Navellier’s Growth Investor newsletter.

Final Words

Now, I’m not sure about you…

But when it comes to moneymaking opportunities, I usually prefer very predictable outcomes, especially those with potentially hyperbolic results.

Since the impact of FedNow on the financial system is extremely predictable… and the impact of FedNow on the banking system is obvious… and the impact of FedNow on the economy is highly forseeable, Zatlin believes that FedNow’s investment gains can be projected with great accuracy.

Just make sure that you act now.

The 80/20 rule can be easily applied to FedNow’s upcoming nationwide rollout.

80% of the overall gains occur before any news hits the mainstream media. Once FedNow makes national headlines, investors will be fighting over the remaining 20%.

Just a reminder to circle July 1st on your calendar.

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