Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor: Is The Great American Shell Game Legit?

Is Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor worth your time and money? Find out in this detailed review that covers everything you need to know about this trading program.


Joel Litman Microcap ConfidentialThe Historic Market Anomaly Sending Stocks Up 100% in a Single Day

A rare mathematical inversion in ONE corner of the stock market now presents a 1-in-20-year moneymaking opportunity we may never see again in our lifetime. It has nothing to do with the “Magnificent Seven” or the presidential election… and doesn’t involve trading options or bitcoin. Yet, it could create enormous wealth for those who position themselves correctly, beginning today.

Click here for the full story.

Addison Wiggin The Great American Shell Game – What Is All About?

The only thing Americans can agree on is the fact that our country is dangerously divided. That’s not a joke. According to an NBC poll, 80% of Americans believe that the country is split.

It’s not just Republicans and Democrats that can’t agree…

Neither can entertainment writers and producers, who are just now concluding a 148-day strike, or auto workers who launched strikes against three top auto makers – Ford, GM, and Stellantis.

But this division is just one part of a much bigger problem facing America.

It stems from three major crises that have been building for decades and will come to a head on January 15, 2024.

This triple-threat is made up of the biggest issues plaguing America. And it’s about to make 2024 our country’s most turbulent year since the 60s.

Everything  we’ve worked so hard to build could collapse early next year – and it’s all because of what’s been dubbed “The Great American Shell Game.”

Unless you take steps to protect yourself now, you – and your savings – are going to get crushed.

That’s why Addison Wiggin stepped in front with a special presentation called “The Great American Shell Game.”

Yes, that Addison Wiggin (filmmaker, producer, hit podcast host).

He’s been featured in MarketWatch, CNN, Wall Street Journal, Fox Business, Reuters, Financial Times, The Economist… the list goes on and on.

I’ve heard him talking about this issue on his podcast for months, so when I reached out to him and found out he’s putting on this free presentation, I wanted to make sure that you saw it.

Let me show you here what is “The Great American Shell Game” all about….

According to Addison Wiggin, right now there is nothing more important than protecting yourself against the events about to take place in America.

Our country is staring into the face of a triple catastrophe.

We’ve got a banking crisis set to spread havoc through our financial system. A massive market earthquake about to get set off by a Chinese Great Depression… Plus, political upheaval so toxic… Addison Wiggin expects riots in our cities. And blood in our streets.

It’s all set to come to a head on January 15, 2024.

That’s the day U.S. presidential elections kick off, with hugely divided Americans at each other’s throats.

These three converging crisis are a serious threat to your family – and your money. But if you’re sitting around waiting for Washington politicians to help you – forget it.

You know what this is – The Great American Shell Game.

Every time a crisis stares us in the face, these power hungry clowns find ways to enrich themselves instead of protecting you. In this rigged game, average citizens always lose.

But not this time.

Starting today, Addison Wiggin is going to show you how to be the winner.


WARNING: This strange force will reshape America

PORTER STANSBERRY Big Secret On Wall Street

America’s next great wealth transfer is here. A strange, unseen force that could forever transform America. You’ll discover all the details of this strange economic force… how it’s shaping America… how to prepare for the disruption it will trigger… and how you can profit from it.

Click Here For The Full Details

How to Invest In Addison Wiggin’s Investor Ideas?

All you have to do is follow his advice, research, stock and investment recommendations.

Everything can be found in his ” The Great American Shell Game: Protect & Profit Action Plan.”

The Great American Shell Game: Protect & Profit Action Plan

Inside this urgent briefing, you’ll find:

  • Seven toxic stocks to dump NOW (before they implode your portfolio or 401k)
  • A handful of stocks to replace them with
  • Alternative assets that Addison Wiggin believes will double, triple, or even quadruple over the next 12 months
  • The ultimate energy stock, the ultimate AI stock, and a stock Addison Wiggin’s research indicates could skyrocket 1,000% or more in the next few years
  • And much, much more …

You can have it in your hands as soon as you subscribe to Addison Wiggin’s premium financial research service The Essential Investor.

Here’s what you’re going to do the minute you come aboard:

Step 1: For Immediate Portfolio Protection, Dump These 7 Stocks Now

Dump These 7 Stocks Now

First, you need to do a deep cleanse of your current stock exposure to make sure your money is not in immediate danger. Addison Wiggin identified seven stocks he believes will crash when these three crises accelerate.

So, think of Step 1 as your stock market insurance policy. Remember, during the crash, the Nasdaq fell 75%. During the 2008 mortgage crisis, the Dow crashed by nearly 60%.

In both cases, billions upon billions in wealth was obliterated simply because people got stuck in the wrong stocks.

The most dangerous stocks to have in your portfolio right now are companies in banking, retail, and others loaded with debt.

Addison Wiggin will tell you exactly which of these stocks to dump IMMEDIATELY.

That’s step # 1…

Step 2: Shelter Yourself from the Demise of the Dollar with These Alternative Investments

Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor Review

After you cleanse your portfolio, 401K, pension or mutual funds of the most dangerous stocks… then you’ll add positions which give you the best chance to make money – even while markets burn.

These are alternative investments that from Addison Wiggin’s experience always rise as markets fall…

That means they will both protect you from deterioration AND provide growth.

First, gold.

From direct ownership, to income-generating funds, to moonshot exploration plays – Addison Wiggin will show you every possible method to lock in the best gold positions.

Addison Wiggin also will recommend small exposure to crypto.

Here’s why:

When the stock market gets hit, crypto will soar.

Huge profits are there and waiting if you invest in the safest, most liquid digital assets. Addison Wiggin will tell you exactly how to do it step by step…including how to set up a fully protected account, how to buy, sell, and hold the best tokens, and target allocation amounts. These investments will be the smallest part of your portfolio, but they could end up giving you the biggest returns.

All the details are in the briefing.

Step 3: Invest in What the World Can’t Live Without

Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor Review

This is where Addison Wiggin will show you how to set yourself up for long-term growth, income, and profits.

No matter how big a crisis is, the world will never stop needing essential goods and services.

Right now the most essential investment is in energy.

And Addison Wiggin is going to give you the name and ticker symbol of his ultimate energy stock, which he and his team forecast will grow more than 1,000% in the next three years…

It’s a company that specializes in building materials for nuclear plants.

Regardless of market events, this stock is primed for new levels of profits.

Addison Wiggin is also going to give you his three top AI stocks.

Everyone is making the mistake loading up on Nvidia. But it’s too late to make big profits there…

Instead, you want to invest in data companies – because AI can’t thrive without data.

Addison Wiggin has the three best data companies waiting for you on a silver platter.

Addison crunched the numbers – and the potential upside is tremendous.

These three stocks are already growing at record speed thanks to AI…

The first AI could grow 1,100%.

The second is on a path to grow by 4,700%.

And the third – a whopping 12,400%.

And as AI continues its development over the next 12 months… Addison Wiggin is going to give you even more stock opportunities to get into.

Again, you’ll get The American Shell Game: Protect and Profit Action Plan packege as soon as you join The Essential Investor.

But that’s only the beginning…

As a special bonus, Addison Wiggin also wants to send you three additional dossiers for FREE.

These three special reports will give you a chance to make very sizable profits – even while the crises unfold.

Bonus FREE Dossier #1 – Long Oil: The Big Bet On Dirty Energy

Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor Review

When the market turmoil hits… when the three crises go into overdrive … the shock will create huge demand not for renewables… not for electric vehicles… and certainly not for solar.

It will all about pure, from the ground “dirty” oil – as wealthy countries try to horde it, even while supplies get cut.

That’s why we’re making a big bet on oil and gas producers.

Addison Wiggin is going to give you a stock that will give you a chance to make a fortune on oil – immediately as the price soars over $100 a barrel.

And because oil is priced in dollars, being long oil is essentially the same as being short the dollar. So, it’s a great hedge play as well.

Bonus FREE Dossier #2 – Investing In America’s Infrastructure: The Play of the Decade

Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor Review

Every crisis comes with a bigger and bigger bill.

Biden authorized over $1.2 trillion dollars to rebuild roads, bridges, railways, upgrade our countrywide internet access, and provide access to everyone for clean drinking water.

This will be dubbed as the “infrastructure decade” when we look back years from now.

Whether we like it or not, the government will spend that money.

Which means a handful of companies are positioned for lucrative contracts…

And lucrative returns for their investors.

This dossier will give you all the details on those companies, including why they’re so valuable, just how big their potential is, and a full analysis to accompany each ticker symbol.

Bonus FREE Dossier #3 – My Top Income Strategies For Cold Hard Cash

Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor Review

Any time a crisis hits, you must have cash coming in – the more the better.

That’s why is your next Bonus Dossier, Addison Wiggin is going to show you how to set up his three top cash generating income streams.

Setting them up will be as easy as pie – and you will be able to sleep at night knowing you will have money coming in every quarter.

All of these Critical Bonus Dossiers are yours the minute you come aboard The Essential Investor.

Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor – What’s Included?

Here’s everything you’ll get as a member of The Essential Investor:

The Great American Shell Game Protect & Profit Action Plan

Discover the ultimate financial protection plan to safeguard and grow your wealth in challenging times. Addison Wiggin’s advice includes strategies for immediate portfolio protection, shielding your finances from the dollar’s decline, and investing in essential assets for long-term security and prosperity.

3 FREE Bonus Dossiers

Access a library of ground-breaking new investments in energy, infrastructure, and other alternative assets. These FREE reports establish insight and guidance to help you navigate the markets effectively for years to come.

The Anatomy of A Bust: Winners & Losers in the Banking Crisis of Our Time

The banking crisis of 2023 is not over. Once you understand the full extent of the debt emergency in the U.S., you’ll discover the importance of protecting yourself from far more than banks. This report helps you build a protective wall around your portfolio and even offers actionable trades you can implement in your own portfolio today.

The Essential Investor Model Portfolio

A balanced investment approach that merges wealth-preserving assets with speculative opportunities. Addison Wiggin and his team have suggested a diversified approach across all sectors, giving you the freedom to customize your investments based on your comfort level and financial goals. They provide the foundation; you choose your path. They believe in teaching you to fish, not just giving you one.

Up To 2 BRAND NEW Stock Plays Every Week

You’ll have complete access to The Essential Investor members only portfolio that Addison Wiggin and his team manages for you. It features two additional trade ideas every week for members who want to be more active in their investment approach.

24/7 Premium Access To The Essential Investor Member’s Forum

Connect with other members, find new investment opportunities and ideas, and get answers to your biggest questions to help you profit the most from any market event.

Members-Only Monthly Webinars

Get direct access to Addison Wiggin and his analysts so they can review trade ideas and the biggest market catalysts each month.

24/7 Customer Service

Call Addison Wiggin’s support line or email hisconcierge team with any questions you have about your service, and his staff will get back to you with answers from real people (no outsourcing or canned responses here).

As you can see, The Essential Investor is comprehensive. It gives you everything you need now and in the future for total portfolio protection and growth.


‘This Is How I’d Invest $1 Million’

“This is how I’d invest $1 million right now,” says legendary investor Whitney Tilson. He’s posting a new portfolio of stock picks for 2024. He isn’t buying the Magnificent Seven… or putting an equal amount of cash into each. Instead, he’s using the Monte Carlo method to see which of 4,817 stocks could double your money.

Click here for the full details

Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor Pricing

The retail membership to The Essential Investor costs $997.

Even at that price, it’s a great deal.

But because of the critical situation, with three crises converging as early as January 15, Addison Wiggin is determined not to let anyone get crushed.

That’s why today you won’t have to pay anywhere near the retail price.

Instead of $997…

Addison Wiggin is giving you everything you see on this page, including the Great American Shell Game: Protect and Profit Plan, the 3 Critical Bonus Dossiers… and a full 12-month subscription to The Essential Investor for just $179.

Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor Refund Policy

For a full 60-days, you can take your time and review every piece of Addison Wiggin’s research and recommendations.

If you decide it’s not for you – just give Addison Wiggin’s team a call and they’ll issue you a full refund – no questions asked.

Addison Wiggin The Essential Investor Review – Is It Worth It?

Addison Wiggin expects the full brunt of these crises to ignite just as the presidential elections get underway. You must set up your portfolio for profit and protection immediately – so you don’t get burned by this shell game.

Addison Wiggin is giving you:

  • A full year of research …
  • A full year of my top stocks and trades delivered straight to your inbox…
  • A full year of protection against these crisises…

All for less than the cost of going out to a dinner with your family.

You’ll have the trades, the strategies, and the knowledge you need to prepare for what comes next. You’ll have the opportunity to profit from it with stocks Addison Wiggin expects to double, triple, or even quadruple in the next 12 months.

And you’ll have Addison Wiggin by your side day after day, helping you manage everything.

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