Adam O’Dell The Next Big Short Event – Is It Legit?

The Next Big Short Event is where Adam O’Dell will reveal the name and ticker of a company he believes is on the verge of collapse and how you can place a special type of trade for a chance to profit.

He’s got a higher win rate than Buffett, Icahn, and Cuban… but you’ve likely never heard his name?

The Next Big Short Event – What Is It?

In 2008, elite hedge fund managers who foresaw the collapse of Lehman Brothers made overnight fortunes.

Right now, a company 7X bigger than Lehman could be on the verge of collapse.

Join Adam O’Dell on February 14, 2023 at 1 p.m. ET, as he reveals the name of this company and how you should play it.


Joel Litman Winning Sector Portfolio PicksThis Is What I Just Told the Pentagon

While everyone’s worried about inflation, cryptocurrencies, and a looming recession, professor and forensic accountant Joel Litman just delivered an even more surprising warning when he met with top military brass at the Pentagon last month. Here’s what Joel says will happen to the market over the next 90 days.

Click here to get the full story.

What will Adam O’Dell share through The Next Big Short Event?

Adam O’Dell will reveal what’s coming next in 2023 and how you can capitalize.

Adam O’Dell don’t think this bear market is over.

He says that we’re going to see more declines this year.

How low will these tickers go? It’s difficult to say, but January’s stock market rally has “fake out” written all over it. Adam isn’t big on market forecasting like that anyways.

But the numbers don’t add up.
And it all comes down to one word: valuations.

After years of euphoria boosting Big Tech names, these stocks are coming back down to Earth.

They simply aren’t making enough money to support their elevated stock valuations.

Just look at some of these metrics:

  • Apple’s price-to-book value is 42.7 compared to its industry average of 2.32.
  • Tesla’s price-to-earnings ratio is 53.7 compared to the industry average of 16.9.
  • Nvidia’s price-to-cash flow ratio is 71.4 … its industry average is 19.6.

And when growth is harder to achieve due to high interest rates and a mellowed-out economy, the bottom falls out.

Bottom line: These big players can make or break the broader market.

And earnings reports so far indicate a further breakdown ahead. Adam believes we’ll have a “longer and lower” bear market from here.

That doesn’t mean we have to sit on our hands and watch the value drain out of our portfolios.

Adam has developed the perfect way to capitalize on this trend with one stock, and he’s going to show you how you can turn the downfall into profits at 1 p.m. Eastern next Tuesday, February 14.

To be sure, this is a confusing time to be an investor.

Adam is a realist when it comes to investing, and that means making opportunistic trades in both bull and bear markets.

Adam O’Dell’s strategy is designed to help you find profits, even when the market isn’t going up.


UPDATE: Market Meltdown 2023

What happens in the coming weeks could make or absolutely break your retirement. That’s what history has shown when stocks are falling, inflation is rising, the Fed is raising rates, and economic activity is slowing. But Dan Ferris just stepped forward with an insanely simple solution to protect your wealth.

Full details here.

When Is The Next Big Short Event scheduled to take place?

The “Next Big Short” is the biggest opportunity on Adam O’Dell’s radar.

Adam O’Dell will reveal everything on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 1 p.m. ET, including the name and ticker symbol of the company on the verge of disaster.

Should You Join The Next Big Short Event?

A company 7X bigger than Lehman Brothers in 2008 could be on the verge of collapse. Join Adam O’Dell on Tuesday, February 14, at 1 p.m. ET. He’ll reveal the name and ticker of this company and how you can set yourself up to profit from its downfall.

I am excited for this event and I hope you are too.

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