A.I. Rapid Cash Project: TradeSmith’s Accelerated Income Generators

The A.I. Rapid Cash Project is a massive strategy from John Jagerson, and his team of computer engineers. Their objective is to use the state-of-the-art A.I. algorithms they have created to discover a dependable method of making large amounts of money rapidly and without risking a lot of capital. And after calculating billions of data points, thousands of man hours, and millions of dollars later… John claims that his team’s objective has finally been met. Read further for details of the results.

Key Takeaways

  • According to John Jagerson, his team’s A.I. algorithms have discovered a special kind of income investment that allows you to potentially earn steady income twenty, thirty, or even forty times per year, without making a large initial investment or taking a lot of risk.
  • Returns are generated fast, delivered in less than a month.
  • John’s advanced A.I. system is analyzing thousands of stocks on the market in real time every day and identifies which ones are on the cusp of a major breakout.
  • It then makes an incredibly accurate prediction about how far those specific stocks will rise around one month after the projection date.
  • He and his team set a “target” around that prediction and when a stock enters that target zone called “Payzone”, it’s time to sell and collect your cash.
  • Members of Predictive Alpha Prime get access to this comprehensive A. I. system and can use it to type in ticker symbols to get info of the stock’s price a month ahead.

A.I. Rapid Cash Project’s Track Record

John shared the track record of A.I. Rapid Cash Project, and we must admit, the results are quite impressive:

A.I. Rapid Cash Project’s Track Record

At first these may not sound like remarkable results but when it comes to income investing, dividends normally pay around 6% per year, bonds usually pay around 4% per year.

A daily gain of 14% translates into an annualized return of over 3,500%. You’re making close to 40 times your money in a year!

In the world of income investing, this is absolutely unlike anything we have ever seen. So, let’s dive deeper to see what exactly this investment approach is.

How Does the A.I. Rapid Cash Project Work?

First, we would like to emphasize the enormous data that is analyzed by this advanced A.I. system. It researches every possible source for revenue generation to consider which method could offer the highest chance of gain with the least amount of risk.

We must admit this is ambitious project. There’s just too much data, too many variables to test.

In the world of income investing, you have a ton of asset classes. Dividends, options, and bonds are just the main ones. There is also real estate, annuities, variable annuities, REITS, master limited partnerships, private equity deals, CDs, royalties, spin-offs, etc.

Additionally, there are a ton of measures within each of those asset types.

Let’s take bonds as an example. We’ve got factors like prices, interest rates, inflation, yield, discount rate, credit ratings, and time to maturity. And all those metrics and categories contain thousands and thousands of current and historical data points.

The next step is to examine each of those variables, compare them historically in various contexts and market conditions, and determine which has the highest probability of profitability while posing the least amount of risk.

Now you have an idea that a human being could never analyze all that data. But A.I. can.

This A.I. System identified something called “accelerated-income generators.” These are little-known stocks that can go on an incredible run in very short time, offering massive gains.

So, using its predictive powers, the system not only determined what the world’s best income is (in this case, a little-known group of explosive stocks). But it can also predict the likely future price of those stocks.

Simply said, John and his team found a revolutionary new way to make consistent income from buying and selling stocks for capital gains. These stocks are income investments, just not in the way we traditionally think about income.

How The Risk Could Be So Low?

Their A.I. system is generating predictive read-outs on each one of these accelerated income generator stocks. There’s a range where the stock is highly likely to end up.

We can explain it better with an example: The system predicted that it’s likely the Autodesk, Inc. stock will end up going up exactly 10% but even more likely to be in that 10% range. The results are that Autodesk went up by around 14%.

A.I. Rapid Cash Project Review

So, not exactly 10%… but right in the range.

The system sets a prediction bullseye for each one of the “accelerated income generator” stocks it finds. Then, John and his team draw a target around that bullseye, called “Payzone”.

A.I. Rapid Cash Project Payzone

It’s based on a number of proprietary parameters, and it varies for each stock. However, typically, there are a few percentage points on either side of the bullseye.

When a stock hits the “Payzone,” they advise to sell and ring up a cash win.

This way, they make big gains, generating one cash payout after another without having to be perfect.

John and his team have decided to publish all the findings of A.I. Rapid Cash Project for the next year in a comprehensive, easy to follow financial research service called Predictive Alpha Prime.

Here is more about it.

What Is Predictive Alpha Prime?

After scanning the market, the system alerts TradeSmith’s team which company’s stock is about to soar.  After reviewing the data, they inform their readers telling them to buy immediately. The trade recommendation took less than five minutes to execute.

You wouldn’t have to do anything for the following few days or even weeks.

And when it hits the “Payzone” you get a signal when exactly to Get Out. After that, all that’s left is to simply collect any profits.

Predictive Alpha Prime

Once you become a member of Predictive Alpha Prime, you can start on your path to financial freedom in just five minutes. That’s how long it will take you to receive your first email with the subject line…Three “Accelerated Income Generators”.

A.I. Rapid Cash Project Three “Accelerated Income Generators”

You’ll get three different opportunities to see quick gains right away.

Keep in mind that these are fast-moving stocks, you need to take action quickly. That’s why this report is only available for the next few days.

New Members of Predictive Alpha Prime will also receive a special report titled The Predictive Alpha Playbook.

The Predictive Alpha Playbook

This report goes over everything you could possibly want to know about their A.I. system, how to execute recommended trades, different trading secrets, and more.

As a member, you’ll also get full access to the A.I. system to see what the predictions are. Type in ticker symbols, and the system will produce a prediction readout of where that particular stock will be one month from now.

A.I. Rapid Cash Project : What Do You Get For Your Money?

Here is everything you will get as a new subscriber of Predictive Alpha Prime:

  • One-Year Membership to Predictive Alpha Prime. It includes an average of four “accelerated income generator” explosive stock recommendations per month.
  • Special Report #1: Three “Accelerated Income Generators”.
  • Special Report #2: The Predictive Alpha Playbook.
  • Predictive Alpha Prime Trade Alerts.
  • The Predictive Alpha Prime Weekly Profit Guide.
  • 24/7 Use of the Member-Only Predictive Alpha Prime Website, including full access to the predictive A.I. system.

And remember, for short time, you’ll also receive three brand new accelerated income generator recommendations right off the bat.

Additionally, unlike “traditional” income investments like bonds, dividends, or annuities, you can start with a little initial investment and potentially create large amounts.

Keep in mind there are no cash refunds for this offer.

A.I. Rapid Cash Project Pricing

For the next several days, TradeSmith is honoring an exclusive discount and slashing 70% off the retail price. You can sign up at only $1,500.

Is the A.I. Rapid Cash Project Legit?

Predictive Alpha Prime members receive around four trade recommendations every month in easy-to-read emails with simple instructions. Each one can give you a chance to put an incredible amount of cash into your pocket.

Of course, we encourage you to carefully consider each recommendation… but you can do so with the calm that comes from knowing their team has already reviewed each of the “accelerated income generators” that the A.I. Rapid Cash system targets.

A.I. Rapid Cash Project Verdict

An “accelerated income generator” is a special, rare type of stock that can go up by many multiples very quickly. We’ve seen these trades play out in two weeks… sometimes just a single day.

21 days would be the widest target of the “Payzone” for any recommendation.

This approach only works with stocks, and that makes it easy to get started.

You don’t need any special permissions from a brokerage account, and you don’t need to learn any new strategies.

The best part is that you can start with very little investment and grow your money as you build up confidence into the system.

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