The 42-Day Retirement Plan is one of Agora Financials’ publications.
Editor Alan Knuckman hails from the home of options trading in Chicago, where he began working as a clerk on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). Beginning with his days on the floor, Alan’s worked with all aspects of the options markets for the past 25+ years.
Wall Street legend Marc Chaikin is unveiling a new cash vehicle 50 years in the making… making his biggest new prediction in 50 years… and explaining how it could double or triple your money if you move your cash immediately.
Click here to watch (includes free recommendation).
What is Alan Knuckman’s 42-Day Retirement Plan?
If you’ve spent your entire life struggling to save for retirement and you still don’t have enough to retire comfortably…
You’re not alone. And Alan Knuckman is here to help.
The goal of the 42 Day Retirement Plan is simple – to help you achieve the retirement of your dreams in just 42 days.
Editor Alan Knuckman reveals a strange yet predictable market pattern when certain stocks explode higher! A pattern that can turn $1,000 into $462,020… In just 42 days.
With Alan’s exclusive trading method, you’ll know when these companies move into the “retirement window” and how to get in BEFORE the stocks take off!
Best of all, Alan gives you step by step instructions for each and every trade. You’re never tied to your computer, or left guessing what to do.
With this service you will receive:
- Weekly Option Recommendations designed to help you profit in between Retirement Windows — delivered by email every Wednesday
- Breaking sell alerts delivered by email and text as needed
- Portfolio updates each Friday afternoon
- Full Library of 42-Day Retirement Plan special reports
Who the heck is Alan Knuckman?
Alan hails from the home of options trading in Chicago, where he began working as a clerk on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). Beginning with his days on the floor, Alan’s worked with all aspects of the options markets for the past 25+ years.
Transitioning from a clerk to a floor trader has given him an inside view of the markets that normal investors don’t have. It’s also given him a sound trading edge to profit in all market conditions. He currently holds series 4 and 24 securities registration credentials.
Alan is a regular commentator on major financial news outlets like CNN, BloombergTV, Fox Business Network, CNN, Sky News and CNBC. And today, he’s the editor of Weekly Wealth Alert, Dollar Trade Club, 42-Day Retirement Plan, Power Trading Network and Vertical Fortunes.
What you gonna get whe you invest your money in Alan Knuckman’s 42-Day Retirement Plan?
After you sign up, you’ll immediately receive an email with the subject line “Seven Explosive Plays to Retire in 42 Days!”
As the name suggests, it has Alan’s best play to score 5-figure returns… In just a matter of days.
Just set yourself up before the July Jackpots come in, and you could make a retirement fortune in a month’s time.
That’s the beauty of the July Jackpot.
And that’s just the beginning…
The window will remain open for a full 42 days, giving you even more opportunities to profit.
As a 42-Day Retirement Plan member, you’ll get a new recommendation EVERY Wednesday morning…
You’ll also get…
- A Quarterly Issue Before Each New Trading Window Opens – Each issue will be full of Alan’s latest research and 42-Day Retirement Window plays.
- A New Trade Recommendation EVERY Wednesday – Each Wednesday morning we’ll give you a bonus recommendation that you can use right away.
- Instant Secure Email With the Subject Line “Seven Explosive Plays to Retire in 42 Days!” – You’ll receive this email within minutes of completing the secure form to the right… And we’ll show you step-by-step instructions on how to profit before the next window!
- The 42-Day Retirement Window Calendar – This exclusive 2018 calendar has all of the most important dates you need to watch for the year… Including exactly when each Retirement Window will open and close.
- Urgent Anytime Text Message Trade Notifications – You’ll never be left wondering when the next trade alert has hit your email inbox, and you can get these important updates anywhere… Even on your phone!
- The 42-Day Retirement Plan Traders Handbook
- A Retirement Window Model Portfolio
- FREE Master Class Training Series
- Free Unadvertised Bonus: America Uncensored – Each day you’ll receive real news the mainstream media and our government officials would rather you not hear. Hard-hitting, reality-check news and advice about the economy, retirement planning and investing, alternative health & lifestyle, and even survival tips.
- FREE subscription to our e-letters The Daily Edge and The 5 Min. Forecast.
This is a serious offer…
With the potential to generate thousands of dollars in Retirement Window profits.